Which is the (main) anxiety disorder you s... - Anxiety Support
Which is the (main) anxiety disorder you suffer from?
Post traumatic stress disorder....
It's real name 'shell shock' before it was made nicer sounding with 'news speak'!
Thanks for your comment ex_soldier. HU has communities exclusively about PTSD, did you see them?
Ex-soldier - I'm so sorry to hear that. My grandfather was at the Somme in WW1 and suffered shell-shock,as you rightly say it was called then. He was in and out of psychiatric hospitals for the rest of his life. My Dad is nearly 85 and only in recent years has he been able to talk about it. I wish you well.
Thanks mate, it's no walk I the park as I'm sure you've realised and mostly it's hidden away for many years before it surfaces..usually lost your family by this point and pushed away most of your friends. It's only recently came to light how serious a problem it is..thankfully there's people like Combat Stress who work wonders for us otherwise I should think I probably wouldn't be speaking to you now. appreciate your words and hope your grandfather lays his ghosts to rest one day.
GAD,PTSD,Aa,Pd..nearly all of them!
GAD Generalised Anxiety Disorder amongst other disorders
I've never been properly diagnosed but from everything I've read, been told, heard and experienced 'PANIC' seems to be the underline symptom that brings everything I experience together. I have to say Social Anxiety is also top of the pops for me! Anxiety is an awful disease (or condition) that I've been dealing since I was a child! In my case I believe it's a congenital, degenerative neurological disorder, but whether so or not it doesn't diminish the immense suffering Anxiety causes in any form! - incidentally I say "degenerative" because it took me ten minutes and Google search to recall the word "congenital". Very unsettling!
i HAVE DEPPRESSION with my anxiety, get a hissing in my head!!
I understand depression is quite common with anxiety and I'm sure I've had my share; at the moment I'm going through a form of PTSD! Hissing, numbness and other undesirable neurological sensations are (apparently) common too and to which I'm no stranger either! I wish I were one of these folks that can give a word of encouragement but after over half a century of suffering with Anxiety and all of it's little quirks I'm convinced the quality of life never gets any better for people like us! I'd love to be proved wrong however! I'd love to know what it feels like not to worry about every little thing you do or about everything that's going to happen!
genneralissed, yes i have pins & needles & numness in righthand
I voted social anxiety as its primarily people that make me anxious. Or more accurately,being seen by people to be anxious. However,there is an element of GAD/panic disorder/agoraphobia too. There is I believe significant overlap of different diagnoses.
Gad and health anxieties, stomach pains sets my panic off most. Happened late morning today. Hate it,hate it,hate it!!!!!!
It makes me anti-social & quasi-aggressive/frustrated with people I like and respect. Plus I cannot find a mental solution quick enough and feel I'm heading for a kind of mini-meltdown several times a day!
I was sent for councilling...it was the young girls first job, no life experience, asked unrelated questions to which I had no reply as they didn't apply to me...I am 74 years old and have been married twice once to a violent alcoholic the second time to a controlling emotionless bully
My life problems are multiple, relationship, family and health.
It so far has been a very lonely life.
I do have some understanding good friends who support me thank God.
Equally panic disorder and social phobia
Growing up I had general anxiety and probably ptsd although I didn't understand at the time. But now my biggest issue is agoraphobia.
health anxiety
Im bad at moment really dizziness and faint like feelings and light headed taking over my life cant even go to work as i stand on feet there and feel off balanced feel trapped n scared and alone any1 else have this all day
I'm having a similar experience. Constantly feeling light-headed, dizzy, and faint. This just leads to more panic as it happens while I'm driving. Have been diagnosed with panic disorder since 2009 and on medication, but it seems my medication has recently stopped working or my body has gotten used to the dosage.
My anxieties 10 to switch time to time my anxieties last year was so my heart going super fast I couldn't sit still I felt like I was dying and I feel like I was having a heart attack now my parties this year after I lost the baby it's like it doesn't go fast but I feel like my heart beat is going low I feel like it's going to stop in that way hopefully it doesn't it's scary I don't know what to do or think I am thinking positive I've made it this far but I get this adrenaline rush store to my neck and it doesn't make my heart go fast but I panic a little bit but it doesn't go fast just weird sometimes my blood pressure dropped to 88/55 sometimes it just makes me feel sick most of the time and it sucks cuz it I can't even I can't even drive when I want I can't even go to the grocery store without feeling anxious time to time it's just crazy I can't even get mad or try to yell without if I do then it's just my heart feels like it's going to stop then it skips beats and feels even more worse it's just so hectic but my anxiety now is more calmer than it was last year but it's just I hate that feeling and I have 2 kids and they have a husband so I do have to cook and clean for them and it just sucks big time like
I was never told a certain name for my anxiety, just severe anxiety, panic disorder, depression, seasonal depression and depression with manic episodes, stress related anxiety about the only thing I'm not is bi-polar but it runs in my family.