Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for May 2024

Introduction I guess

Hello! I've had anxiety for a long time (with some panic attacks) and I'm find...

Teen depression advice needed

hi all! in-home family therapy starting do we encourage our 17 y.o so...
Binky3 profile image

emotional abuse

my husband and I usually get along on a surface level. I treat him well. But he ...
LuvScooby profile image
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Going to a gym wish me luck

Going to a gym where potentially other people will be at...nervous that the stra...
EricJones profile image


Am I in the right group? I had been diagnosed by a psychiatrist as being bipolar...
82467 profile image

Broken Record

I hate to sound like broken record. Im stuck in past remembering all the bad ev...
PeaceNeed profile image

Anxiety and depression remain even if almost everything is going on WITHOUT any significant reason.

I have so many things to enjoy but still I remain depressed and anxious and not ...
Mohammad-341 profile image

back after 2 years.

i’ve been finding comfort in my family and friends for the past year, which is w...
shadowme profile image

Obsessed with being liked.

I’ve had this obsession for many years, I’m on medication and I’ve had numerous ...
Nunk profile image

Hope this is a positive support group

I just read Greenies post and thought people were unkind to her. No matter what ...

Lonely, depressed, cornered by bad choices made decades ago.

I struggle with getting close to people. I have for decades for fear of rejecti...
Hikes_For_Joy profile image

Just tired of people in my life

Just need female I can talk to And express my emotions
Fraxx profile image

Just tired of life

Just search for female to talk too Who have understanding
Fraxx profile image

Small panic attacks

So yesterday I was walking the dog like I do everyday, I got so far from my hous...
detour13 profile image

Have a nice day

What are you grateful for today
mizzou7016 profile image

Okay, are you up for a pointless stupid question?

I'm betting no one has a good answer to this one, but what the heck, nothing ven...


Just feeling kinda lonely which leads to overthinking,anxiety and depression. So...

How to manage my stress around my acquaintances

I know I keep talking about these issues and I apologize if you're getting sick ...
EricJones profile image

Anxiety back to visit

I’ve been busy and doing well lately. The weather is finally warming up so getti...
Grandmaof3 profile image

Just found out I'm 2nd generation agent orange

Sure would have appreciated this knowledge much sooner.

Is it all worth it?

Finally it's time. I'm going to move out of my house and not only the house but ...

Disheartened and Discouraged. Not Giving Up

It's like riding a super fast rollercoaster....this depression and anxiety road....
Hidden profile image

physical anxiety before mental

Does anyone else experience physical anxiety symptoms before the mental. My come...
Footloose83 profile image

Moving houses

As the title suggests, my family and I are moving to a new house and I’m a nervo...
Fatima_sh profile image

A Little Lost

Lately I’ve been confused as to who I am. I’m not really sure what I want to do ...
PurpleSprout profile image

This one.

mizzou7016 profile image

Seeking support

Been dealing with depression and anxiety for a long time. I probably dealt with ...
HuskyDad profile image

Sitting at the kitchen table

So i'm sitting at the kitchen table with a bunch of people and it makes me very ...
EricJones profile image

I almost missed a therapy appointment

Today I had therapy at 11am. Totally forgot about it. I got distracted because I...
MetalEnjoyer profile image

I've been posting less lately....

I've had some very stressful times, and they are not resolved at this point. It ...