Does anyone else have trouble with drinking too many fluids? I have a bad habit of drinking a lot of tea. I almost ended up in the hospital last week. Dr told me to cut down two glasses a day buy I just can't. I've tried biotene gatorade hard candy
Low sodium too much caffeine - Anxiety and Depre...
Low sodium too much caffeine

Just curious how much caffeine you drink? I know we are all chemically different. I drink a lot and never had the problem.
Almost constantly have a drink in my hand. Probably 8 32oz drinks
We have a winner 🥳🥳🥳🥳. You beat me
I drink 5 cups of coffee a day. I also drink alot of water.
For some people, like you, it can be a problem
Are you on an antidepressant?
Yes. It causes low sodium too but the dr said this is because of my intake
5 cups….0 to 60 in 2 minutes. 😁
That's me
Yup…caffeine.a little cup will do ya.😁
I wish
It doesn’t give you a lift anymore? Tolerance levels are high? I drink coffee all day and never get the jitters. I have some tea that was found and cultivated by southwest American Indians they used in rituals long ago. It gives you a lift without the jitters. But I like coffee….oh, well.
I don't know what it does but I crave it all the time no matter where I am what I'm doing
Habit…like smoking, etc. I stopped drinking coffee once and I had migraines. Had to cut it with decaf until I could stop. But I would reach for the cup that wasn’t there. That’s instinctual/habit. It eventually stops. I started doing Diet Coke instead. Stopped that, started back on coffee.
If you need to stop, you can with a plan…..
Funny. I am addicted to diet coke also. I only have about 2 a day though. I have since I was 13. I know I'm headed to stomach cancer from it. I smoked for 30 years and just quit when I started lamotragine
What kind of plan?
Weaning /tapering. For one, like I did, mix maybe a third or a quarter of decaf in with your coffee and see how that sits with you, then gradually keep increasing the decaf. That’ll help with the physical withdrawals. The emotional attachment could be replaced with something else. When I weaned off, I wasn’t as attached to the physical part…like always having something in your hand or always sipping on something. I was a Diet Coke drinker before I became a real coffee drinker. Stopped cold turkey diet drinks cuz I developed an allergy to aspartame. You could swap to another liquid after stopping. It could be fizzy flavored water ( just a suggestion). There’s lots of drinks without caffeine now or sugar. The main thing is to get rid of caffeine. Sugary shouldn’t be a replacement ( you know that all ready) I feel after the caffeine is completely out of your system and you’re through the withdrawals, you may not even need a replacement. The process of weaning is different for everybody. There’s probably something on line or somebody on here that could add some suggestions.
Yeah, years of diet coke can do a number on the tummy and eat up your teeth. Hopefully, getting off caffeine will help to et off Diet Coke. I wish I hadn’t ever drank the stuff. But Congratulations 🎉 on stopping smoking! That’s a tough one to stop. You’re one up on me. I quit drinking alcohol, but still smoke. Yeow! 😁
Do you get symptomatic with your low sodium levels?
Yes we do.
I'm just glad you get a sign. You mentioned you weren't the best at watching the free water intake.
My brother had low sodium levels that's why I'm curious. His would get extremely low.
Need clarification; you're drinking too much black tea (ie-orange pekoe), or herbal/special tea (ie-pretty much everything else that isn't caffeinated)?
😬...i was drinking somewhere between 8 to 32oz. of black tea a night at one point. Body did not like that; actually had severe headaches develope that became worse when I tried to stop. I drink berry tea now to stay hydrated, but it's all in one big 4 cup measuring cup. It limits what I drink at night. if i can just cut down on the coffee in the morning ( about 2-3 cups @ 8oz a cup) 😬
I've never heard of drinking too much tea, I drink multiple cups of tea, coffee and water every day with no trouble at all.
Please try and cut down on it. Replace with lemon water. Just try.
It really doesn't matter what fluid it is right now. It is just the volume I'm drinking. Once I get the amount down I will try lemon water though. I have tried in the past and I really like it. Ty
I have just had my bloods back illustrating the same, GP said as you state, it’s not what you drink but the volume of fluids causing water loading. I was drinking 6 cups of tea a day (I 💛the stuff) plus 4 small bottles of Evian sometimes more. Right, wrong or indifferent I’ve opted to change to decaffeinated tea anyway, reduced to 5 cups and reduced my bottled water intake. Everyone’s body composition I guess influences what can be tolerated but I’m certainly no expert!
what kind of tea? I think I also have this issue… I think it’s leading to weight gain??? Don’t know how this is possible 😞
I don’t know how much fluid you’re actually drinking every day, but if you drink too much fluid, you can suffer from hyponatremia (low sodium levels). I’m not sure how much the caffeine is affecting your sodium levels but too much fluid will definitely do the trick and most anti-depressants also lower your sodium level.
If you are having trouble cutting back on your fluid intake, then it would be a good idea to consult with a psychotherapist to help you deal with his behavior. Cutting down on caffeine is also not a bad idea in general.
I had to give up caffeine years ago. Missed is for a while but so happy I did, hated the feeling caffeine. It added to my anxiety, stress. poor sleep. I feel much better without it. Some can handle it some cant.
Yes, earlier this year I was put on amitriptyline. So far I really like it compared to trazadone for helping me sleep, but MAN, does it give me terrible dry mouth. I didn't realize how much water I was drinking, until my sodium bottomed out. I guess I was drinking about 128 ounces a day, or eight water bottles. I knew I was having to go to the bathroom more often, but thought drinking alot of water was healthy. I was can totally drink too much water...
Caffeine is a huge trigger for panic attacks.. I stock drinking caffeine 20 years ago.. I switched to decaff and it made a difference,, I don't get heart pulasions anymore and think I'm having a heart attack..