Hello, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Luna and this is my first post... I have be diagnosed and struggled with anxiety, panic disorder and major depressive disorder for 14 years now. Over the years I developed hypertension and health anxiety from a few hospital stays relating to my heart and childbirth complications. I am 32. A few of my hobbies include sewing/ crafting, video games, roller skating and drums. Something that's extremely embarrassing for me is I have intense panic attacks that cause me to go to the ER at least once sometimes 2x a month 😭😵💫. Over the past 14 year's I've tried getting help numerous ways like Seeing a psychiatrist of course, tried my share of many different types of medications, Psychotherapy, Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), Transcranial Magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatments. Lifestyle changes like dieting and light exercise. A few things helped but the panic attacks never went away so after all this time I'm still trying to accept it and cope. I am happy I found this place, I'm feeling hopeful. I am trying my best to take things one day at a time and be present since I struggle with living in the moment.
"Breathe in peace, Exhale fear." Thanks for reading.
- Luna