Hi all, I'm a newbie to this group, but certainly not a newbie to anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiety and agoraphobia. I look forward to meeting, sharing, and learning from everyone here. I hope I can help and support all in this group as well. A little about myself, I'm 54, divorced mom of 2 grown children. I started having anxiety and panic attacks in my teens. They didn't last long at that time. I went many years with very little to no anxiety or panic attacks until 8 years ago they came back with a vengeance. I've been in therapy and medication since. I go to a nearby clinic that is close enough for me to drive to. It's been a revolving door of therapists, social workers and interns. I've seen 10 different therapists in 8 years, and never got the therapy I need, I've stayed because it's comfortable. I finally looked into seeing a psychologist who specializes in anxiety. I found one, but now have to get up the courage to make that phone call. I know I can do it, but any encouragement I can get would be greatly appreciated
Hi all, I'm a newbie and glad to be here - Anxiety and Depre...
Hi all, I'm a newbie and glad to be here

By all means make that call. Do you know why the anxiety and panic attacks were triggered by? Its not fun going to therapy but if it helps hold you together you need to keep going.
Thanks for the encouragement Lyn842. I have been in therapy for almost 9 years, but it's at a clinic where I never see the same therapist for more than a year. They are always coming and leaving, very inconsistent. I've never had one that specialized in Anxiety. I will make that call, I know I need cognitive behavioral therapy, which I've never received. For me there is a genetic component to my anxiety and panic attacks, my mother suffered as well as my twin sister, but my sister was never nearly as severe as me. I also believe I was traumatized as a kid. There was a lot of death and illness in my family when I was a kid. Every Sunday was the big Italian dinner followed by either visiting a sick relative in the hospital, or going to the cemetery to visit a deceased relative. My Mom helped me a lot when I first started having panic attacks at 19, within a year they were under control. Then at 22, my Mom had a massive heart attack, sudden death. I was right next to her. That was the most horrific and traumatic day of my life. After my children were born, I went Years symptom free, until 2010. I know some of my triggers, but a lot of the time the panic attacks seem to come out of nowhere when I'm relaxing. I know I have to make that call, push myself out of my comfort zone to get the proper therapy. Sorry this was so long. Thanks again for your support.
Nori, how awful having your mom die like that. I'm so sorry. The cbt classes will hopefully be a big help. I really thought they were.,I still have my notebook from it to refer to. I wish you the best. My husband has a big Italian family. They do everything up big! Not much now cause the parents are gone and siblings are scattered, but how I remember!!
Welcome ! This community is very helpful.
hi welcum to this group! i have also joined the community yesterday only! Pls make that call it wll be very beneficial for you and maybe by making that call can help you!
Hello Nori-R
Making those calls can be a very hard thing to do but it might be worth the effort, I hope you manage to do it.
Come on here for a chat anytime, I think it helps a lot.
Take care of yourself.

Hi, thank for the support and reply. I apologize for the late response, but am happy to say I've made that call!! I'm now seeing a wonderful social worker and a psychologist who is treating me with EMDR.
Welcome !!! I suffer with all the same issues! I see a Dr. that deals with anxiety...very helpful. I'm here for you anytime. Peace be with you!!! Hugs!!! XXX
Well welcome. I hope you will feel comfortable sharing here. I quite new myself. I have found this to be a great help. Let me know if you want to talk