Married to a wonderful woman who has anxiety disorder with bad panic attacks and has depression as well . Tried to confront about talk with someone and she blew up bad . Don't know what to do to help her .
Hi : Married to a wonderful woman who... - Anxiety and Depre...
Sometimes you can’t, you have to let her do it on her own, but be there when she’s ready
I was like that with my husband
Just be there for her and listen. Sometimes all we need is a hug
Agreed with this...sometimes just listening is the key. And don't offer opinions while she outlets....ask questions to better understand. When she is less bothered by her issues, perhaps mention that it would be healthy for you both to attend counseling to better approach issues. But, really, for this specific instance, just listen and be there.
I think you need to do some couple therapy. It is one thing to be supportive of your spouse, but it another thing to be taken advantage of. It seems sometimes she is taking advantage of your kindness by blaming you for her issues. That is not healthy for you or her. She needs to be working on DBT techniques with a therapist to try to control her issues, and she needs to recognize when she is just venting her frustrations and unhappiness onto you. Although you want her happy and healthy the same terms should be considered for you! Try couple therapy and work on these issues together.
Thank u for your help everyone I'm having to learn everything I can about anxiety panic disorder depression etc etc as much as possible. I wanted to be a counselor when I was in high school but I guess it's never to late. I never thought the love of my life would have these issues but I'm not given up on her . Even if it takes 50 years