Throughout my anxiety journey, i used to feel anxious Over being alone, hearing anything, seeing anything ...
Now its much better, i can actually live life , eventhough i still have some fears like dying, not aking the pressure of my exams and results, fearing my physical health and also questioning life alot ..
Since my anxiety because based on causes such as exams, fights, it anxiety or stress, and how do i deal with it once i started feeling like my anxiety only occurs when there is a stressful cause like exams this a good thing that it didnt become constant in about 2 and a half months ..l am incredibly proud that i went all this way with no support from family, no meds , no therapy, just knowledge and meditation , and breathing exercises
Ever since i took my exam the ither day , i feel calmer, i still get those doubts, scary thouhts sometimes but they are minimal and dont cause fear, just some concerns sometimes but its almost non existent , i do feel unconcentrated, and having brain fog , but eventhough i had a panic attack this week over my exam , i didnt have any fear for no reason like i used to, it all became tied up to a cause , which feels a bit better than i can anticipate or feel myself getting better and knowing what makes me feel tense and anxious