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Breathing exercise1,114 public posts
Breathing exercise 1: To help a craving pass...
Using a deep breathing exercise is an effective way of calming yourself down.
This exercise can be done anywhere from sitting down in a chair to waiting for a bus.
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Breathing exercise 1: To help a craving pass...
Using a deep breathing exercise is an effective way of calming yourself down.
This exercise can be done anywhere from sitting down in a chair to waiting for a bus.
Breathing exercise 1: To help a craving pass...
Using a deep breathing exercise is an effective way of calming yourself down.
This exercise can be done anywhere from sitting down in a chair to waiting for a bus.
Breathing Exercise 2: How to cough up what's not supposed to be there...
When you first stop smoking, you may feel that you have more phlegm and mucus on your chest This may cause you to feel a bit rattly and as though you need to ' cough something up'... Doesn't sound very nice, I know but this is a good sign.
At the end of the day, you are only coughing up what is not
Using a deep breathing exercise is an effective way of calming yourself down.
This exercise can be done anywhere from sitting down in a chair to waiting for a bus.
Breathing exercise 3: To slow down a busy mind and help with a good nights rest...
The more you practice this breathing exercise, the easier it should become every-time.
Breathing Exercise 2: How to cough up what's not supposed to be there...
When you first stop smoking, you may feel that you have more phlegm and mucus on your chest This may cause you to feel a bit rattly and as though you need to ' cough something up'... Doesn't sound very nice, I know but this is a good sign.
At the end of the day, you are only coughing up what is not
Breathing exercise 3: To slow down a busy mind and help with a good nights rest...
The more you practice this breathing exercise, the easier it should become every-time.
Tips to help with breathing ....
Coordinated breathing can be practiced during exercise or when feeling anxious.
4.Deep Breathing
Shortness of breath can be caused by air getting trapped in your lungs and deep breathing can prevent this from happening. This exercise will also allow you to breathe in more fresh air.
Exhale, through pursed-lips, during the most strenuous part of the exercise. Coordinated breathing can be practiced during exercise or when feeling anxious.
Making A Quit Plan
I think its very important to make a quit plan, so that you are ready for when that flippin mr nic comes a calling
Firstly, sit yourself down and write out all the WHY'S you want to quit smoking and be specific, not just, I want to be healthy but why you want to be healthy If you have a printer,