I finished my exams today , i have about a month break with no exams or school whatsoever ...i panicked quite a bit today and yesterday because of exams , all these anxiety attacks made me remember all the panic and fear i suffered earlier in the year , and now im feeling like eventhough i dont have anything to panic about im still anxious and my heart is palpitating ...why can i just be comfortable, i dont have any stressors right now , maybe its from remembering all the panic i had but i feel like constant anxiety might be back, im really feeling super dissapointed and angry , i dont know if i would ever die from anxiety or if it woukd ever go away , i dont know what to do , maybe its just a matter if calming a bit after the exam and recovering from this whole week , my anxiety is mild but my heart keeps sinking ..
I feel so stupid because im done with exams and even before i wouldnt usually freak out over them ..but these 2 days brought all the fears and emotions associated with panic attacks and anxiety that i hadnt experienced ever since april ...
i really want therapy