My friends and i were talking about someone who have severe depression and anxiety. But i didnt respond that much because they only judged and they seem dont understand or probably dont care about the feeling of living your life with depression and anxiety. I have anxiety by the way. I could say its pretty bad. And they know i have anxiety but they just keep talking like i wasnt there. They make it sounds like people who have anxiety is just people who seek for attention. "You know life is just not about you. So stop talking about yourself and your anxiety" Well, i'm feeling really mad there but i did not say anything.
And then suddenly theyre talking about me.
"Look, we know you have anxiety. But please dont be so panic or anxious about everything. You get so anxious about every little thing. Try to control it. It's a bother to us (i really didnt see this coming from them) every time you text and tell us that you get anxious about that you get anxious about this you panic about this and that. Please dont make people around you uncomfortable just because you have anxiety or panic attack."
And they're laughing. I'm not lying...theyre laughing at me because i have anxiety and i cant control it. Like bitch, im trying my best here to not feeling anxious 24/7. You dont know how hard it is to live with anxiety, right??? It feels like your life would fall apart in any second. Sometimes myself dont even realize it if THIS the anxiety attack or just something else. I would love to control my fricking goddamn anxiety if i can but it's really hard. It's not as easy as it looks. I dont know am i too sensitive or what? Or is this really my fault by talking to them whenever i feel like i have anxiety kicking in? I mean they're my BEST friends so i thought they could at least make me feel a little bit at ease. But i guess they have their limit.
So i tell them that i'm sorry if im bothering both of them with my anxiety problem all this time. I promise that i will not do that again.
WELL, I guess i wont text them about "THAT" anymore.
So tell me guys, how to cope with anxiety? I wanna try it since my friends dont want me to bother them anymore.
Thank you and have a nice day/night!