Posts - Advanced Prostate Cancer | HealthUnlocked

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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All posts for September 2018

Joined because of Tall Allen Posting Here

I am a new community member who has been treated successfully with SBRT for G7 d...
19tarpon47 profile image

New Member intro - ForestCreature

PCa DX September 2014 @ age 65. PSA 2.38; DRE found notch; 12 core biopsy: one ...

Spartan Trial Information on Apalutamide. Great Results!
Moespy profile image
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Is extreme fatigue and nausea, no appetite,common in advanced prostate cancer or is it not a good sign?

My dad had stge 4 advanced prostate cancer mets to bones, has been on hormone,zo...
Karenprin profile image

Where did I go wrong (or did I)?- first chemo

First I want to thank all of you for the "tips" of dealing with chemo. Thank You...
efsculpt profile image

After surgery and now PSA 0.8 - what's next?

I am 61 years old, married for 2nd time for 21 years to a special woman who gave...
Musicman61 profile image

Low sugar with enzalutamide

My father has been on enzalutamide 3 tablets daily for 5 months now. He has been...
caretkr profile image

PSA from 86.6-1

On 7/18 PSA at 86.6. 8/7/18 Lupron + Casodex On 9/14 PSA at 1. Question- is th...
arete1105 profile image

PSA rising

To say I am not worried would be lying. My PSA has come down continually from ov...
firefox12 profile image

Emails have Stopped.

I stopped getting emails. I have checked spam, address blockers anyone have ano...
noirhole profile image

Please watch one of the best self produced "I've got prostate cancer" films, ever.

My friend Johannes made this prostate cancer film six years ago. It is - by far...
Darryl profile image

Cancer in the blood

Hi I'm so sorry I have not been answering I have read but I'm so upset hubby now...
Wongle1 profile image

Zytiga Canadian Price

A site “” lists 250 mg Zytiga for $35 per tablet, about a...
Mkeman profile image

Anyone Begin Having Heart Trouble Potentially Caused by PCA Treatment?

I was diagnosed with PCA in May 2015, age 53, PSA of 227, Gleason 4+4=8. 1 spina...

Ereção após prostatectomia

Após a prostatectomia radical..quanto tempo para ter ereção. .qual o tratamento ...
wrs7733 profile image

Could exercise prevent prostate cancer spreading to the bones?

So, this may explain my lack of bone mets even though I had Stage IV, GL7, PSA -...
dockam profile image

Fasting and chemo

I came across this article on fasting and chemo. Not earth shaking but interesti...
efsculpt profile image

Curate AI

I have just seen this article and don't remember seeing anyone post this....
easeytiger profile image

What has helped you during the post chemo "recovery".

I just had my first Docetaxel treatment. Then followed one day of grace ("Gee, m...
efsculpt profile image


New study getting much attention in the media [1] [2] [3]. My interest in aspiri...
pjoshea13 profile image

My cancer has morphed to treatment-emergent small-cell neuroendocrine prostate cancer.

Hi Guys, I had a TURP in July and the pathology report came back that my prosta...
paulofaus profile image

Just Diagnosed. Suggestions Please

I have just been diagnosed with Advanced Prostate cancer, PSA 350.0 and several ...
Brent13 profile image

A.I.-guided Chemo Halts Disease Worsening in Patient with mPRPC, Study Reports

Encouraging result after Zytiga (Abiraterone) failure from Phase1/2 Trial using ...
Moespy profile image

Special NYC Prostate Cancer Event- Free

Please Celebrate 20 years of Malecare Prostate Cancer Support Groups., at a spec...
Darryl profile image

Hormone therapy and effect on kidneys

Hi all - just wondering if any of you have had experience of kidney problems as ...
blueeyes74 profile image

Mets to External iliac and also peri-aortic lymph nodes

Are these considered distant to (removed) prostate and thus upgraded from stage ...
outdoors48 profile image

Cancer Stages

I've been wondering about this for a while. If you are given stage 3 grade at dx...
Tekton profile image

Does Gleason Score Change as Years Go By?

This report was fascinating to me: Gleason Grade Progression Is Uncommon US Nati...
OldFart81 profile image


I start using the epilobium parviflorum for prostate issees Is it right?
parviuser profile image

Creatine and BCR

Hello, New here. Have had a good 8 year run with <.64 PSA on my yearly tests....
Twotall profile image