I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid earlier this year. I am currently taking 25mg T4 (50mg caused significant bloating) and 30mg T3 as split doses.
I'm on a high dose of adrenal support as my Cortisol & DHEA were shown to be very low in a Dutch test earlier this year.
Since starting T3 medication, I have noted an increase in anxiety and what I'd describe as many hormonal symptoms.
I am supplementing with Vit B12, Vit B Complex, Vit D& K.
In terms of HRT, I am currently adding back Progesterone & Testosterone. My Oestrogen was very high from implants, therefore I have not used any Oestrogen HRT.
I understand that there is a link between T3 and the reduction of Oestradiol and that when Thyroid is optimised that there should be a balancing of sex hormones. However, I'm unsure how this works with a woman like myself who has no ovaries.
My SHBG has increased significantly since starting Thyroid medication. Again, this will impact the availability of sex hormones.
Can anyone offer any advice on any of this please?
Also, if anyone else is in surgical menopause and has found a specialist who understands both sex hormones & Thyroid in a woman with no ovaries, could you please DM me with their details?
Thank you.