I had a baby a year ago (11/13) and recovered really well at first after a natural birth and no apparent complications. I started eating healthily and walking an hour a day after my 6 week check in January. I lost weight and was getting fitter again. I started taking the oestrogen based Yasmin pill in February.
By March my energy started to leave me and my daily walks became harder and harder. In April I began to feel tired and easily stressed out, emotional and depressed. My baby was a good sleeper and I was eating quite healthily and taking daily exercise as well as being 'on the go' with a baby. I started to gain weight despite all of this.
I thought that this was being a Mummy but then in conversation with friends with babies a similar age I noticed they were feeling well, losing weight and generally in a better place than me so I went to the doctors.
They ran blood tests and rang me to tell me I had low iron, so I did the usual iron boosting things and assumed that was what was making me tired.
A month later when I took my son to the doctors I asked for a print out of my results as I wanted to know what my chlosterol was as my husband's is high. (Perfect btw) I was still feeling tired and as I looked through the results I noticed that my TSH was very low at 0.60 so I thought that meant I was borderline hypothyroid. I then consulted Dr Google and discovered it meant you were to be more Hyper than Hypo.
I was still feeling pretty grotty so I went back to the doctors to draw this to their attention. The doctor was dismissive and made me feel like a hypochondriac and told me that they don't test the thyroid more than once every 3 months.
As I was gradually feeling worse over the next few weeks I returned for another blood test on 1st September. It took a month for me to get my results and my thyroid function was down at 10.3 and I was deficient in Vit D and low normal B12.
I went back to the doctors and was given a Vit D supplement and another blood test results as follows:
C Reactive Protein: 18
TSH: 0.53
FT4: 10.2
Follicle Stimulating Hormone: 1.7
Lutenising Hormone 1.0
Prolactin: 207
Intrinsic factor Antibody: 2.5
The Dr mithered for nearly 2 weeks saying she wanted to get a T3 reading and couldn't get the lab to do it and she couldn't get the lab to do it. She scared me by saying that the most likely cause was a pituitary tumour.
Another set of bloods was run on 17/10 with results as follows:
TSH: 0.38
FT4: 11.3
Follicle Stimulating Hormone: 5.9
Lutenising Hormone: 3.3
Prolactin: 267
Cortisol: 297
I found those results quite reassuring as I am not going to slip into a coma whilst looking after my baby which was a concern! They were taken at 9am.
As much as I am reassured I am also confused about the contradictory TSH and if I should be concerned. I am feeling increasingly tired and would like to feel better. I have a referral to an endocrinologist that I am waiting on, but this could take months and i would like to put my mind at rest. My doctor is useless so thoughts would be appreciated.