Feel like my whole body is messed up...... - Women's Health

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Feel like my whole body is messed up......

ZM1980 profile image
14 Replies

Hi all, I'm new to this forum. To start off, I have had various bodily symptoms ongoing over 10 years. These include acid reflux, fatigue, feeling of muscle/bone weakness, dry eyes, irregular heartbeat/palpitations and breathing difficulties when walking uphill/incline, weak nails, problems with menstration (periods have varied from heavy to light, but I now have prolonged bleeding and persistent lower left pelvic pain).

I have had so many tests and scans over the years, all of which have come back negative for any serious pathology (apart from a small uterine fibroid, mild oesophageal inflammation causing reflux and Cardiology tests revealed slight artery calcification - however, I am told this is not enough to cause me any symptoms of breathlessness).

According to blood tests, I am negative for Thyroid disease and only have slightly elevated ESR (could indicate mild inflammation). I have long suspected my symptoms could be due to a hormone imbalance, but doctors always dismissed this. More recently, I persuaded my GP to check my hormone levels, as my periods have become heavier and more frequent - turns out my Progesterone levels are very low and Estrodiol levels slightly elevated (I had the test twice, so this is consistent). I'm now thinking maybe this has been the case for a long time, causing me to feel so awful. I feel like nothing is right with my body - feel hot and cold at the same time, coldness in extremities, general dry feeling, sensitivity to temperatures, certain fabrics, general feeling of gloom - as well as all the other symptoms!

Has anyone else had any experience with these kind of symptoms and could they all be hormone related? I am 39 years old.


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ZM1980 profile image
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14 Replies
Chip999 profile image

Hello ZM, I’m no expert but your symptoms sound Peri menopausal to me, so could be hormone related. Check out menopausedoctor.co.uk

Lots of helpful advice

I’m post menopausal now (age 56) and experience many of the symptoms on your list xx

ZM1980 profile image
ZM1980 in reply to Chip999

Hi Chip999, thanks for the link, will have a look. I do think a lot of my symptoms could be hormone related, especially as my Progesterone levels have been low, Estrogen slightly raised. A bit wary about taking synthetic hormones, but if it helps stop the persistent bleeding, could be worth a try. Do you experience temperature control problems? I seem to never feel truly hot or cold. xx

sbadd profile image

Have you had your b12 checked? This can cause heart palpitations and breathlessness, low iron can also cause these symptoms?

ZM1980 profile image
ZM1980 in reply to sbadd

Hi, I've had my B12 levels checked a while ago, but they were in normal range. Iron levels more recently (were within normal range, although at lower end). Could be even lower now since the heavy, prolonged bleeding. Could be causing some of the symptoms!

Cooper27 profile image

A lot of these sound like thyroid symptoms. I'd be inclined to ask your doctor for what your results were (ask for reference ranges too) and post them on the Thyroid UK section of the site for comment.

When they tested your hormones, did they test them at the same time? Progesterone should be tested 7 days before your next period, and estrogen should be tested early in the cycle.

If progesterone is low, this can result in estrogen dominance (which doesn't mean you need to lower estrogen, it means you need to raise progesterone levels. To do this, you need to eat a healthy diet and reduce stress (especially in the first 2 weeks of your cycle).

ZM1980 profile image
ZM1980 in reply to Cooper27

Hi Cooper27, I've had my Thyroid levels checked (TSH, FT4, Antibodies), all within 'normal' range. I usually get copies of my results inc reference ranges, as I have online access via my GP surgery. I have considered my symptoms could be Thyroid related and was absolutely convinced at one time, but now am not so sure.

I had the Progesterone and Oestrodil levels checked twice, both times on day 21 - but because my cycle has been very irregular and I've been bleeding for over 3 weeks, I'm not sure how results truly reflect my symptoms. My estrogen levels are above reference range, so some symptoms could be Estrogen dominance. For me stress is very difficult to control, as I suffer from constant anxiety. But I do try with diet!

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27 in reply to ZM1980

So were you still bleeding when they did the blood test?

The thing with thyroid is that the reference ranges are very wide, they're actually much narrower in other countries. Here, thousands of people fall into the "normal ranges" but technically have thyroid issues. Check your results just to be sure. The TSH value should be around 1, T4 should be in the upper half of the range. Are your results close to that?

ZM1980 profile image
ZM1980 in reply to Cooper27

I was still bleeding when the 2nd Progesterone and Oestrodil test was taken, but haven't had an Iron test recently. Will be seeing my GP on Wednesday so will ask about this.

My last Thyroid blood test results were: Thyroid function test

Serum TSH level 1.07 mIU/L [0.34 - 5.6]

Serum free T4 level 10.20 pmol/L [7.5 - 21.1]

I agree that in other countries the ranges vary and still do wonder if I was tested eg in America, my results would differ. Do you have Thyroid issues?

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27 in reply to ZM1980

Your T4 is a little on the low side - for those reference ranges, I'd want to see T4 above 15. TSH is ideal though (we want that to be around 1), so I'm not too sure what to make of it. It could be worth posting those results on the Thyroid UK section to see what people think?

I have an autoimmune thyroid problem (hashimotos), so I know a few basics, but there are some very knowledgeable people on the thyroid forum who'll know much more!

The hormone test on day 21 is a bit skewed - you would normally expect progesterone levels to be high and estrogen low at this point, to indicate that you've ovulated. If you were still technically on your period though, then low progesterone makes sense, and I wouldn't be looking at that number as much as I would the over-range estrogen. I think a bit of reading into estrogen dominance would be a good starting point, and ways to balance your hormones. Supplements for magnesium and zinc can help, or even look at pre-natal vitamins, because they're specifically designed to support your hormonal system.

ZM1980 profile image
ZM1980 in reply to Cooper27

Thanks for your advice Cooper27. I have browsed the Thyroid UK section and posted in relation to my symptoms, but haven't posted blood results. I did also do a Medichecks home Thyroid blood test a while ago (results were within 'normal' range), but can't find the results (have emailed them for a copy)!

I do think I have estrogen dominance type symptoms, as I have persistently lumpy breasts, uterine fibroid, the prolonged bleeding etc. I have actually suspected this for quite a while. I take Zinc and Magnesium supplements, but probably need to look at other supplements and diet. Will look into pre-natal ones too, thanks!

Zazzel profile image

I’ve had all of these same symptoms for some thirty years now. I’m in my 50’s. I’ve had every test under the sun as well. Do you have Raynauds? That can cause the coldness in extremities and is quite common and doesn’t necessarily mean there is any health condition. So many things can cause all of the other symptoms that it’s hard for doctors to pinpoint. Could be fibromyalgia, some sort of immune issues, hormonal issues, anxiety disorders or a combination. Personally, I found out some of the symptoms for me were caused by Raynauds, food and environmental intolerances, hormonal imbalance, excessive sugar intake, kidney disease ( specifically IGA Nephropathy) and GAD ( general anxiety disorder). Controlling my food intolerances has helped a lot, but at the slightest sign of inflamation, I have flares then body aches, etc,

Have you tried going to an integrative doctor or holistic doctor or even a DO. They will look at the whole picture rather than just blowing it off if your labs come back ok. Even then, you have to keep pushing them if you aren’t feeling well. You know your body. So many of us suffer for so long because no one takes our symptoms seriously.

I agree with Cooper that you need to have a copy of your bloodwork, and have a look if anything seems unusual. If I hadn’t pushed my doctor about one of my results, I may never have found out I had Kidney disease because the tests results were on the borderline of normal. Luckily I caught it early and have things under control. Keep searching. Don’t give up. You deserve to feel good.

ZM1980 profile image

Hi Zazzel, we sound alike in terms of symptoms/conditions! My issues started in my mid 20s and I struggle with anxiety, (which I believe can amplify your symptoms). I don't have Raynauds, but I do think my current issues are due to a combination of hormone imbalance, anxiety and diet.

I've never been to a holistic doctor, but have been thinking about it, as I don't seem to be getting far with conventional doctors/medicine. I know my GP would probably prescribe Progesterone only pill, but then there's all the side effects to consider! What was your experience with holistic doctors? Not sure what a DO is?

I'm glad you pushed your GP with your blood results and caught your condition early. Is IGA Nephropathy an immune condition? I have had autoimmune optical nerve swelling in the past (but no relapses). I think GPs need to look more at patients as individuals - one persons 'normal' can be a whole different matter for another.

Zazzel profile image
Zazzel in reply to ZM1980

I’ve had good experiences with holistic doctors, but they are expensive. They can tend to do a lot of testing which can get costly. However, it was worth the cost to me as one of them figured out my intolerance issues which has corrected a lot of my symptoms and the other one has helped immensely with my kidney issues.

IGAN is an autoimmune disease that accepts the kidneys causing inflamation and damaging the kidneys so it is also classified as a kidney disease. My doctors feel my food and environmental intolerances are linked with my IGAN.

A DO is a DR. Of Osteopathy. They look at the body as a whole and how lifestyle affects it. They have a lot more nutrition. The DO studies muscular skeletal systems and can also do adjustments similar to a chiropractor, but with a gentler approach. Really they take a holistic approach as well.

There Seem to be several different types of holistic type doctors including naturopathic doctors, integrative doctors, and DO most of which can prescribe medication along with a more natural approach. Unfortunately, not all accept health insurance.

I hope you can get to the root of this!

ZM1980 profile image

Thanks for all the info Zazzel. It's really good the holistic doctors helped you get to the bottom of your intolerance issues - shows it can really be worth it, as I'm sure a lot of people go to GPs with various issues and standard blood results come back as 'normal', so are dismissed.

It makes sense that your autoimmune disease is linked with food and environmental intolerances - I'm sure diet can have an impact on the immune system. I think my gynecological symptoms could be Endometriosis/Adenomyosis, as they have been ongoing for a number of years and seem to worsen with stress and if I have a lot of alcohol (which I have been trying to avoid)! Could be certain food intolerances involved too. Would a holistic doctor carry out a blood test for this?

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