My latest blood tests show iron near the top of the range, and tsat% over-range. I've stopped iron and vitamin C supplements for fear I poison myself ! I'd only been supplementing iron 5 weeks since end of Dec 24, 20mg of iron bisglycinate every 2-3 days, sometimes not at all. I was trying to see if I could improve my lack of energy.
Is it normal for blood iron and tsat% to shoot so high so fast, while ferretin stays low? I thought they went up together?
Blood test 6/2/25 8.30am
(overnight fasting, no iron rich meals, iron & biotin supplements stopped 7 days before)
Ferritin 33.3 (10.0-291.0 ng/ml);
CRP 0.5 (<5 mg/l);
Iron 31 umol (1.7 mgl) range 10.7-32.2 umol/L (0.6-1.8 mgl/l) ;
Transferrin saturation 49% (range 15-35%);
TIBC 63 (50-70 umol/L);
Transferrin 2.54 (2.00-3.60 g/L)
I haven't supplemented iron before. I'm vegetarian, aged 53, 7 years post menopause. I don't really get much iron in my diet, so it's a bit of a mystery to me why it's gone so high so fast.
I was above 2000 metres altitude (6500ft) for 7 days on holiday, got back down to 1000 metres where I live, 5 days before the test. I also took a high dose betacarotine supplement once a week as my night vision was getting bad. Could it be that?
If my iron and t-sat are high, but my ferritin low, how do I increase my ferritin? Do I need to? Apologies but I find it all so confusing. I'm hoping some kind person could point me in the right direction again about what to do.
My thyroid results at least look a bit better, even if I don't feel any different (tired, irritable, low libido, muscle aches, attacks of restless legs. hot flushes early am, energy crash 3pm):
Blood test 06/02/2025
TSH 1.45 (0.55-4.78 mUI/l)
FT3 5.0 (3.5-6.5 pmol/l) 50.00 %
FT4: 17.24 (11.5-22.7pmol/l) %51.25
As do my key vitamins (I'm supplementing them all):
Vitamin D 132.7 (>75 nmol/l )
B12 642 (156-672 pmol/l )
Folate 33.3 (10.0-291.0 ng/ml)
I have hashimoto's antibodies, and a history of hyper flares, but my levels are not currently considered bad enough to take replacement thyroid hormones.
For comparison, my previously posted results:
20/12/2024 (taken before 9am, no biotin for 7 days, no iron rich meals, no iron supplements prior to this test, I started 27/12 for first time).
Vit D: 113.2 (>75 nmol/l)
Ferritin: 53 (10.0-291.0 ng/ml)
CRP: 0.5 (<5 mg/l)
Iron: 19 (10-7-32.2 umol/L)
Transferrin saturation: 30% (15-35%)
TIBC: 63 (50-70 umol/L)
Transferrin: 2.51 (2.00-3.60 g/L)
TSH 0.87 (0.55-4.78 mUI/l);
FT3 4.9 (3.5-6.5 pmol/l) 46.67%;
FT4 14.9 (11.5-22.7pmol/l) 30.36%
22/10/2024 (taken before 9am, no vitamins at all for 7 days, no iron rich meals, never any iron supplements, just spirulina).
Vit D: 75.6 (>75 nmol/l)
Vit B12: 447 (156-672 pmol/l)
Folate: 39.5 (>12.19 nmol/L) 17.4 ng/ml (>5.4 ng/ml)
Ferritin: 31.9 (10.0-291.0 ng/ml)
Iron: 8 (10-7-32.2 umol/L)
Transferrin saturation: 14% (15-35%)
TIBC: 58 (50-70 umol/L)
Transferrin: 2.33 (2.00-3.60 g/L)
TSH 1.09 (0.55-4.78 mUI/l) ;
FT3 4.7 (3.5-6.5 pmol/l ) 40%;
FT4 15.8 (11.5-22.7pmol/l) 38.39%
Many thanks for taking a look.