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INVOLVEMENT OPPORTUNITY - Haemochromatosis Research Project (UK)
Do you have and want to help make the way it is diagnosed and treated in the UK better for patients?
A couple of papers re iron/ferritin/hepcidin
A few recent posts regarding more complex and deep iron-related issues and I found these two substantial and complex papers.
For those who need more than the simplest levels of advice and information, they might be worth at least a skim read.
I do not pretend for one moment to have understood the
Advice re High Bilirubin (Gilbert’s) and ‘Borderline’ Iron Levels
Iron Saturation (January 2025)
Serum Iron level 23.0 umol/L (9-30.4)
Unbound iron binding 44.4 umol/L
Serum unsaturated iron binding 67.4umol/L
Serum saturated iron binding 34%
(Laboratory note: ‘iron saturation= borderline.communicate with patient)
Serum ferritin
38.6 ug/L