I’m Desperately trying to get my health/life back…. And failing miserably!
Most people here know I lost my thyroid 7 years ago to thyroid cancer which a short 2 weeks after the surgery I developed debilitating pains after a year and half of suffering finally diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis which still hasn’t help me a bit to get a grip on my health…I recently saw my primary care doctor (new to me) my complaint was struggling to walk because of bouncing vision (only when I walk or drive). I can no longer walk in the dark or drive in the dark and I have complained about issues with hypoglycemia that no doctor deals with (vision issues started last summer) the hypoglycemia issues the day I lost my thyroid anyway she did a flurry of labs (9) vials … some things I never heard of before and things I have been requesting over the past 7 years and ignored..
AC1- 5.7 % …..,,(4.0-5.6%). I have cut out a long time ago bread products and cut back on starchy vegs … potatoes, corn, rice … don’t eat out and don’t buy freezer type of meals….. I exercise most days but walking is out with bouncing vision Im terrified to fall (Its like walking on a trampoline) without the fun …. Going to ENT and Eye doctor Again also MRI which Im not sure I want to do … another story for another time!
Ferritin : 17.8 ng/ml…(13.0-150.0)
UIBC: 300 ug/dl…..(112-347)
Iron: 70 ug/dl…..(37-145)
TIBC: 370 ug/dl …..(182-416)
Iron Sat%: 18.8% ….(15-50%)
MCHC : LOW (bold red letters only)
Folate: 7.3 ng/ml ….(4.6-34.8)
Vitamin D: 27.4 ng/ml (Low) ….(30-100)
B12: 790 pg/ml….(232-1245)
Potassium: 4.4 mmoL/L ….(3.5-5.1)
Magnesium: 2.20 ….(1.60 -2.60)
TSH: 0.128 ….(0.450-4.500)
FT3: 3.0 ….(2.0-4.4)
FT4: 1.36 ….(0.82-1.77)
T3: 121…,(71-180)
Anti bodies are always undetectable.
I supplement Mag and this number is exactly the same as 2 years ago…
Am I anemic again??? Definitely need Vitamin D … always been low but this is pathetic and the issue is I can no longer tolerate the sun it breaks me out in a horrendous rash and recently had biopsy on rash it came back as POSSIBLE Tumid Lupus but the derm doesn’t like the result and isn’t willing to mark it down …Why do they do the dog and pony show with labs/biopsy to only not believe them… idiots!
Anyway thanks in advance for advice …