Hi all, I had a bloodtest done on Tuesday and these are the results. I'm currently taking 150mcg Levothyroxine, B complex, 1x ferrous fumerate 210mg, vitamin c capsule, 5000iu vitamin d + k2, magnesium capsule daily, I have not missed a day in the last 3 months taking any of the vitamins.
I have put the last test results in brackets. I remember last time the dr wanted to reduce my levo dose but i asked her to keep me on the same dose so i could get my vitamin levels up. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
TSH 0.01 mU/L 0.30-4.20 (0.01)
T4 22.4 pmol/L 9.0-19.0 (20.3)
T3 5.8 pmol/L 3-5.4 (5.9)
Serum Vitamin D 122 nmol/L 50-250 (93)
Serum Vitamin B12 902ng/L 180-900 (928)
Serum Ferritin 50 microg/L 10-200 (49.9)
Serum Iron 18.2 micromol/L 11-30 (18.1)
Serum Transferrin 2.69g/L 1.8-3.6 (2.64)
Transferrin Saturation Index 27% 16-50 (27)