My values are:
TSH .20 * range is .27-4.2
FT4 21 and range is 10- 26
FT3 is 3.3 and range is 2.6-6.0
Vitamin B1 97 and range is 85-175
Vit B6 is 187 * and range is 59-179
Vit B12 is 535 and range is 130-700
25-OH Vit D 109 and range is 50-150
Hemoglobin, Hematocriet, Ertryocyten, Trombocyten, Leucocyten and Folic Acid, and Iron, all are in range but MCV is 82 and the range is 83-100
and MCH is 1.7 and the range is 1.7-2.1
and RDW 13.5 and range is 12-15
My question is that Free T4 seems to be optimized, while T3 is too low and TSH is already a bit too low. Any suggestions as to what I can do to raise my T3? Is it safe to take a bit more Euthyrox even though my TSH will probably decrease even more? I am already taking a multi vitamin (costco), additional D3 K2, a B12 Folic Acid supplement, B1 supplement, Calcium and D3, MCT, Magnesium, and Selenium/Zink. I have Hashimotos and am just entering menopause.
many thanks!