My results.
Tsh. .005 (.27 - 4.20)
Free thyroxine 47 (12 - 22)
Total thyroxine t4 184.0 (59.00 - 154.00)
Free t3 16.7 (3.10 - 6.80)
Reverse t3 43 (10 - 24)
Reverse t3 ratio 25.28 (15.01 - 75.00)
Thyroglobulin antibody 11.300 (0.00 - 115.00)
Thyroid per oxidase antibodies 22 (0 - 34)
Active b12 273 (25 - 165)
Folate (serum) 19.71 (2.91 - 50.00)
25 OH vitamin D 75 (50 - 200)
CRP - high sensitity .65 (0.00 - 5.00)
Ferritin 179 (13 - 150)
I have lowered my dose of ndt (thyroid gold) started on vit d3 and k2, I was only taking recommended levels of b12, I have stopped those. Have been gluten free for 5 years, this fatigue is with all my children especially my daughter. Any ideas? please especially with b12 so high. I am hypothyroid for 30 years. Might it be worth replacing some ndt with some t3? Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate all your help.