I’m on 2 grains of NDT (Thiroyd). I have tried increasing but seem to get more episodes of flushing and increase in pulse especially when v tired (I’ve had ME for over 20 years and well into menopause though). It may have nothing to do with the dose of NDT but I tend to panic and think of my GP’s raising of eyebrows as they disapprove of me self-medicating. They were no help and neither was endocrinologist. They gave up when I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma as they thought it was the cause of all my woes. But it wasn’t, so my battle continued.
I just got new blood test results –
FREE THYROXINE 12.600 pmol/L 12.00 - 22.00
FREE T3 3.96 pmol/L 3.10 - 6.80
THYROGLOBULIN ANTIBODY 79.100 IU/mL 0.00 - 115.00
In January my antibodies spiked (271.00 0.00 - 115.00) and T’s dipped (Free T4 12.6 12.00 - 22.00 Free T3 3.44 3.10 - 6.80) So I was definitely hypo/ Hashi. Previously I’d thought I was over-medicating so had dropped from 1 and half grains, to 1 grain. I was wrong so gradually increased up to 2 grains once I’d had bloods checked and realised what was happening.
I’m gluten and dairy- free. Little, if any soya.
Rest of today’s results -
ACTIVE B12 *>300 pmol/L 25.10 - 165.00
FOLATE (SERUM) 7.22 ug/L 2.91 - 50.00
25 OH VITAMIN D 111 nmol/L 50.00 - 200.00 Interpretation of results:
Deficient <25 Insufficient 25 - 49 Normal Range 50 - 200 Consider reducing dose >200
CRP - HIGH SENSITIVITY 0.83 mg/l 0.00 - 5.00
FERRITIN 125 ug/L 13.00 - 150.00
I’m seeing a nutritionist who is helping with diet etc. On supplements to help methylation so expected folate to be higher. I was hoping to feel better by now but no sign of that happening. I should be absorbing nutrients better as digestion much improved and reflux is gone.
I still have loads of hypo symptoms – e. g. dry eyes, sore, dry mouth with enlarged tongue, totally exhausted with no energy (virtually housebound), heavy legs with pads of ‘fat’ (not fluid) around ankles despite losing weight (I’m size 8 or 10 now. Ok, a 9). Brain is a total fog. I just can’t retain info even though I’ve read about the subject for over 2 years, when I’ve been able.
My questions are
– do I try and increase NDT again? My pulse rate seems to be an unreliable way to monitor as it has always been a bit high for some reason and gets higher when I’m more exhausted and struggling. Something to do with adrenaline???? My temp was always a bit low but I just couldn’t get reliable readings when trying to monitor progress, even with a mercury thermometer. Can I monitor with resting pulse and ignore anything else/spikes in pulse rate?
-anything else I should be doing?
- also I need ‘ammunition’ as I see GP on tomorrow for an unrelated problem and I suspect she’s sneaked a TSH in with other blood tests. Can I say I’m definitely hypo/Hashi and my self-medicating when they ‘abandoned’ me prevented the situation becoming much worse? The TSH being so low is irrelevant?
Many thanks