Hi, I'm new here.
Have been following you about 3 weeks now. And, can I just say - this forum is a life saver! I am 59.
I just went to see a different Dr in the same practice, as I have got much worse lately.
At first I came upon this site to try and find a solution to a problem that had been plaguing an aquaintance for 31 years. She could not get T3 anymore, and does not get on with Levo. And so is having to think about going back to England even though she has made a lot of friends here in Jersey over the last 45 years.
Here we have to pay £43 to see Dr for 10 minutes. I learned - through you amazing people that TSH is the only numbers that Dr's go by, and long story short, I asked for FT3 and FT4 from my usual Dr,(following advice from friend )as I felt that all my symptoms pointed to low thyroid. As far as I know My regular Dr is the only one here that provides a printout of Blood results. So mid July I had bloods, and the result was that some results were lower than last year. (My usual Dr sends me results after I asked for Parathyroid, and vitamin D as I am bedridden, and I had the symptoms of secondary hyper-parathyroid, which she confirmed and prescribed Calcichew), I had no vit D, and para's were stealing calcium from my bones, she said,and it does hurt! since then she lets me do the diagnosis LOL!
So then the Hashimoto's friend asked me to try a Dr that does not push Ad's etc, and also to bring the appointment forward so she could test him through me . So I tried a male Dr that agreed to allow me HRT a few years ago. He was clearly in the TSH camp though, and suggested St Johns wort, and a website called - Oh dear, I can't remember the name now, Patients something? but I think it is a 'big pharma' sponsered thing. Anyway he said I was a classic case of chronic fatigue syndrome, and suggested that I learn all about CFS, and then threw me out!
I had severe thyrotoxicosis thoughout my youth and wondered if the over treatment that I eventually got may have caused some damage, as I have gone down hill since, like hypo?. I asked if the biotin that I took the day before may have skewed the results of the test thyroid tests in June, but he evaded ,and was clearly out of his depth. I have lost the last remaining thread of hope, and now am wondering if I should order some NDT from America.to try. T3 would be impossible to get here, as would blood tests, so I could maybe try NDT for me and my Hashi friend?
My symptoms are severe fatigue, insomnia excercise intolerance, dementia, (though I was too young to be tested for that) but worse than my late Mother who was brain damaged from pernicious anaemia, and Myxedema ,I am nearly bald now, hair, skin and nails, itching, reverberating head ringing, dizziness and falls, loss of balance, and rapid pulse on standing or moving, swelling, and bloating, weight gain, feet and leg pain, pins and needles, numbness, Bad brain fog, worsening allergies, back and joint pain, memory loss, low temperature, sensitivity to cold etc, and the loss of ability to spell and on and on etc... ( male Dr today suggested hot showers- but after hearing that My hot water and central heating got stolen, changed that to cold showers, mumbling something about brown fat !) LOL. I seem also to use up reserves of whatever energy I have for just a couple of hours work, and pay for it for the next 7 days - in bed. I also have Coeliac or Gluten intolerance which also runs in family.
I take B12 sublingual, B1, zinc, folic acid, biotin, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, Magnesium Malate, vitamin c, electric blanket, heat lamps, and 800ug vitamin D and calcium (prescribed), also various prescribed things. I also live on 80% widows pension. no other income.
The results from 14/3/17- that puzzle me.
Adjusted Calcium 2.17 mmol/l (2.20 - 2.60)
Glomerular Filtration rate 89 (>90)
TSH 1.50 (0.50-5.00) no T3 or T4
B12 297 (200 -680)
And from 19/6/17 - 9AM
TSH 0.87 (0.50 - 500)
Free Thyroxine 13.1 (10.1 - 25.0)
Cortisol 429 (9:00hr 125-630)
Folate 11.8 (2.5 - 17.0)
Anything here stand out?