Help on what to do next with my results as the ... - Thyroid UK

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Help on what to do next with my results as the doc doesn't want to know

holistichedonist profile image
4 Replies

Hi everyone, I'm new here but have had suspected thyroid problems now for over two years and been fobbed off by the doctor with every visit. I've gone from being a super healthy, fit and active size 10/12 mum of two to a size 20 mum who feels dreadful, aches all over and some days struggles to climb the stairs at all.I struggle to maintain my job too with zero energy and such bad brain fog that I have to write everything down to survive and not make mistakes.

I've paid to have private blood tests done (Thyroid Check Plus RT3,Well woman ultravit and Saliva Cortisol test-which was normal in all 4 times of the day) as my long list of symptoms tick every hypo box and I refuse to accept the rheumatologist's diagnosis of Fibromyalgia (in his words "that's what we tell people they've got when all blood tests are ok").

I'd love some input into my results and how to take it from here as a second doctor in the practice said she wouldn't trust my medicheck results and refused to take them on board (and then proceeded to offer me a standard T4 test again).So i know i've got to sort it out myself from here but have no idea how/where/dosage etc.

Diet wise i eat really healthy -low carb,red meat and lots of green vegetables so can't understand why my iron levels are low :-(

I also don't take any medications apart from Solgar Easy Iron, Better You B12 Spray and Solgar multi vit.

Sorry for the long message and thank you for reading! Emma x

My thyroid results are as follows :

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone : 5.07 (0.27-4.20)

Free Thyroxine : 11.88 (12.00-22.00)

Total Thyroxine T4 : 80.7 (59.00-154.00)

Free T3 : 4.33 (3.10-6.80)

Reverse T3 : 23 (10.00-24.00)

Reverse T3 Ratio : 12.26 (15.01-75.00)

Thyroglobulin antibody : 13.610 (0.00-115.00)

Peridoxase Antibodies : 7.2 (0.00-34.00)

My well vit test showed up that i was low in ferritin,folate and B12 which could be the reason for my T3 conversion issues :

Iron status

Iron : 8.73 (6.60-26.00)

T.I.B.C : 82.53 (41.00-77.00)

Transferrin Saturation : 10.58 (20.00-55.00)

Ferritin :9.59 (13.00-150.00)

Vitamin B12 : 143 (140.00-724.00)

Folate (serum) : 2.33 (2.91-50.00)

Vitamin D :64.55 (50.00-200.00)

Thanks again-I just want to feel like the old me of two years ago again!

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4 Replies
humanbean profile image

No wonder you feel so terrible. You are hypothyroid and untreated, and your nutrient levels are appalling.


Vitamin B12 : 143 (140.00-724.00)

Folate (serum) : 2.33 (2.91-50.00)

For help on these results join/follow the Pernicious Anaemia Society forum here on HealthUnlocked - they are the experts on low B12 and folate. Mention the low iron panel results too.

You'll find them here :


Iron : 8.73 (6.60-26.00)

T.I.B.C : 82.53 (41.00-77.00)

Transferrin Saturation : 10.58 (20.00-55.00)

Ferritin : 9.59 (13.00-150.00)

Optimal levels for iron and iron-related measures can be found on this link :

Iron - yours is very nearly rock bottom but it needs to be around 55% - 60% of the way through the range, which is roughly 17 - 20.

TIBC - over the range indicates that your body is screaming out for iron.

Transferrin Saturation - yours is way, way too low. You need more iron.

Ferritin - patient experience shows that Ferritin needs to be about 80 - 100 with the reference range you've given.


I can't understand what is wrong with your doctor(s). You are so clearly very dangerously iron-deficient and they refuse to believe you. If you have shown your results to your doctor already and she has refused to pay attention then you need to write to the Practice Manager, enclosing a copy of your results, and insist that if the doctor doesn't trust the results you are supplying then she must do her own to prove that the results you have are wrong, and if they are not wrong then you need treatment as soon as possible.

Do you have a partner/spouse? They need to step up and support you too. Your energy levels must be through the floor. Get your spouse to go to the doctor with you. Doctors tend to be less rude when they have a witness, and if your spouse is male, then they tend to think "Well, if he believes her then perhaps it isn't all in her head after all." Does that annoy you? Because it makes me almost incandescent with rage. But there is nothing you and I can do about it (in the short term). And you might struggle to advocate for yourself since you are so ill.

What you should be asking for is

a) An iron infusion. NOT iron tablets. An iron infusion.

b) A referral to someone - a haematologist would be favourite, but possibly a gastroenterologist to find out why you were well 2 years ago but have gone downhill so badly and so quickly. You need, for example, to find out if you are losing blood in your poo. You also need to find out why you aren't absorbing nutrients.


Your thyroid results are less urgent at the moment than your nutrient results, and besides, your body won't be able to handle thyroid treatment with such poor nutrient levels. I think you should work on the nutrients for now, and revisit the thyroid in a few weeks.

shaws profile image

I'd follow humanbean 's advice and phone your surgery this morning and ask for an emergency appointment and copy humanbean's response and say you want instant action from the doctor today.

You can say you've had advice from the NHS Choices for advice on dysfunctions of the thyroid gland and need action today.

holistichedonist profile image

Thank you so much humanbean and shaws.Made me well up that you recognise my plight.I will go back to the drs and ask to see another one (as i've already asked for the blood tests with my current doc and got nowhere plus a different doc might be less dismissive).

My partner has also been really supportive and wants to come with me but i've said no up to now (strong independent woman and all that) but yes agree that maybe i might be taken more seriously (though it makes my blood boil too that i may have to do that).

I will ask for a referral to a gastroenterologist as I've also had major bloating for the same period of time (it's what i originally went to the doctors with!) as i look 9 months pregnant most of the time.The only time my stomach is vaguely flat (it used to actually go in!) is if i've been on a rare night out and have drunk enough for a hangover bizarrely.It's as if the alcohol has killed whatever is causing the bloating.Yet again the doc doesn't want to know as a coeliac test came back normal.I forgot to say i also take a good bacterial supplement but it doesn't help with the bloat at all (have tried three different blends so far).I suspect candida?

Am considering a juice fast to reset my system as i used to do them sporadically when i was well-it's the zero energy right now that has stopped me from doing one :-(

holistichedonist profile image
holistichedonist in reply to holistichedonist

Hi everyone,

Have been feeling so much better after religiously taking high dose iron,b12 and folate supplements and have a little of my old energy back-enough to do dog walk daily which i haven't been able to do for a long time!

I will retest my bloods next month as soon as i can afford it but i'm going on holiday to Mexico in a fortnight and am considering trying to buy T3/Cynomel there for when my "ducks are in a row"-is it possible do you know? Please pm me if you have any advice that you can't post here.Thanks so much! Am happy to report back after too!

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