Newbie looking for advice on blood tests. - Thyroid UK

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Newbie looking for advice on blood tests.

zepo profile image
13 Replies

I have most of the symptoms of hypothyroid, but GP tests come back as normal. Please can you tell me if these Medi-Check results are normal. I realise Vit D is low and have been supplementing with same for a month. Thanks.


FREE THYROXINE 18.700 pmol/L 12.00 - 22.00

FREE T3 4.89 pmol/L 3.10 - 6.80

REVERSE T3 19 ng/dL 10.00 - 24.00

REVERSE T3 RATIO 16.76 15.01 - 75.00



ACTIVE B12 131.000 pmol/L 37.50 - 188.00

FOLATE (SERUM) 10.03 ug/L 3.89 - 26.80

25 OH VITAMIN D 54.7 nmol/L 50.00 - 200.00

IODINE - SERUM 62 ug/l 40.00 - 80.00

Inflammation Marker

CRP - HIGH SENSITIVITY 1.03 mg/l 0.00 - 5.00

Iron Status

FERRITIN 119 ug/L 13.00 - 150.00

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zepo profile image
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13 Replies
zepo profile image

PS. Blood was taken 8.30 a.m.

Nanaedake profile image

What symptoms have you got?

zepo profile image
zepo in reply to Nanaedake

Hi Nanaedake - I just always feel crap and have done for as long as I can recall (I am 64) - always low body temp – usually under 36 degrees C, cold intolerance, unrefreshing sleep, lots of sleep, bruxism, osteoporosis, muscle weakness/aches, no energy, depression, anxiety, gritty eyes, constant headache, back pain, IBS, outer third of eyebrows missing, poor memory, poor concentration, low blood pressure, high cholesterol, cramp, dry skin, brittle nails, tinnitus. My get up and go has got up and gone. Sense of joy has disappeared. Thanks.

Welcome Zepo. You have certainly come to the right place!

Your TSH is still rather high. "Within range" doesn't really mean a thing! I still had hypo symptoms when mine was under 3. Under 1 or lower is best, or even below range if you are taking T3 as well as Levothyroxine.

Someone else will have to comment on the Reverse T3 ratio, (anything mathematical like ratios do my head in!!!) Except RT3 counteracts the T3 which might still perhaps be low.

zepo profile image
zepo in reply to

Thanks Jnetti. TSH highish, OK well that is something to look into then. It is all very complicated this thyroid stuff. So, has medication helped you?

in reply to zepo

Yes, though very up and down and still trying to get the right level. I'm on 100 mcg levothyroxine at the moment (started on 25 as I'm older) but will probably need another increase

zepo profile image
zepo in reply to

Jnetti - Did your GP start you on that and did you have to fight for it?

in reply to zepo

A doctor started me on Levo after I had quite bad symptoms apparently stirred up by some sort of virus infection, even though I was still "Subclinical" (TSH above range but T4 still within range). It was when my TSH became "Within range" that it got a bit difficult. I was due to see the nurse about blood test results, which I got a copy of beforehand.

Thankfully the nurse I saw was willing to listen (the one who took the bloods wasn't. The latter was kind enough but seemed to have the attitude "I'm the nurse, you are the patient. Therefore I'm right".

Before going I typed out a single sheet. On it I explained that even though the TSH was now within range it obviously wasn't optimal for me. This was followed by a list of my main symptoms and how they affected my quality of life. Bless her, this other nurse read it, asked could she scan it onto my file, and went to consult with the pharmacist about getting an increase.

Phew!!! Relief!!!!

zepo profile image
zepo in reply to

Well done - glad you are able to try it and hope you soon get the dose sorted. :)

Nanaedake profile image

If you have osteoporosis then are you on medication for it and do you have calcium levels monitored?

Your TSH might be considered on the high side for someone taking Levothyroxine but your doctor is unlikely to want to increase the dose if you have bone problems so perhaps ask for a trial to see if it will alleviate symptoms?

Have you got a regular gentle exercise program including resistance exercise? Make sure you eat enough calcium rich foods. Oily fish is said to be good too.

Visit an optician to get eye problems sorted, they can recommend the right eye drops. Ensure you are properly hydrated every day.

Are you on any other medication? Some meds cause side effects which could cause pains or general discomfort. Lower back pain can be a result of osteoporosis, general back pain could be other issues unless you've had spinal fractures?

The right kind of exercise is very important. Check out the Canadian Osteoporosis Society website for videos with appropriate exercises

zepo profile image
zepo in reply to Nanaedake

Nanaaedake - No, I refused meds for osteoporosis. I take calcium, magnesium, D and K for bones. Test at GPs said calcium was OK.

I am not on any meds. So is my TSH level OK for someone not on meds?

My diet is pretty good, but exercise not. I agree it’s important, but difficult to find the time, but the intention is to start at a gym as soon as I have some chores out of the way. I just walk a bit. I think my main reason I have bone problems is stress and I can’t do much about that.

I use a lot of eye drops, but they only just take the edge off.

I will defo check the web site. Thanks for all that. :)

Nanaedake profile image
Nanaedake in reply to zepo

If you are not taking any levothyroxine then your TSH is in the normal range as are FT3 and FT4. Vitamin D is said to be better around 100nmol or mid-lab-range. Have you posted on the Osteoporosis Healthunlocked bone health forum?

You might need better eye drops so visit an optician for advice.

zepo profile image
zepo in reply to Nanaedake

Hmm, so not looking as if Thyroid is my problem then. So not sure what to do now. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia years ago, but I have always thought that was not a proper condition - just a label to shut people up, when docs didn't know what was wrong with patients. Just recently occurred to me that Fibro symptoms are the same as Hypothyroid. I'm hoping that when my Vit D levels get higher that I will feel somewhat better. No, I'm not on the Osteo forum - will sign up for it. Thanks.

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