How do we raise ferritin but not the other Iron labs? A few of my iron markers are over range apart from my Ferritin! I know this needs to be & stay at lease over 70/80 for good conversion & hair growth. It was up at 100 at the beg of Feb & other Iron labs were in range.
Has anybody else had results like these? I feel like I should stop supplementing Iron but don't want my ferritin to drop.
I was taking 2 Florisene tablets but have cut down to 1 as I am now taking Pregnacare New Mum as my multivitamin (they have iron & lots of other useful vits & mins for hair)
!Serum Iron 34 (5-33)
Serum Transferrin 2.76 (2.15-3.8)
Serum TIBC 63 (36-77)
!Sat Iron Bind Cap 54 (15-50)
Serum Vit B12 648 (180-910)
!Serum Folate >24 (5.4 - 24)
Serum Ferritin 75 (10-291)
TSH 0.2 (0.2 -6)
FT4 13.7 (10-20)
FT3 3.9 (3.5 -7)
Is the QUALITY of the Iron Important? I really don't know much about iron but know its really important not to overdose!
Any help, advice & experience about Iron will be gratefully received. x
Ps I did post this a few days ago and humanbean kindly replied regarding methylation but i'm hoping that others might have some personal experience in this area or maybe had similar results? x