My last thyroid test results were as follows:
FT4 12.4 (10-22)
FT3 4.94 (2.8-6.5)
TSH 2.14 (0.4-4.0)
rT3 0.38 (0.14 - 0.54)
TG <20 (0-40)
TPO 12 (0-35)
I take 3 NT per day as well as all the usual nutritional supplements - Se, Zn, vit C, D, A, E etc. But I stopped taking iron recently when I received these results (below), where the serum iron was at the top of the range. (A week before the test I stopped taking iron supplements to avoid these interfering with the results).
serum iron 27.2 (6.6 - 26)
TIBC 60 (41-77)
Transferrin saturation 45 (20-55)
Ferritin 52 (13-150).
My basal temperature remains low (35.5-36.0) and my energy levels have plateaued. I know that my ferritin should be higher in the range but I'm concerned about overdosing with iron given the serum levels. Any ideas on this?
Also, I'm confused about where to go with my thyroid support. Dr P has given me two contradictory pieces of advice about whether or not to try T3. Advice on this would also be much appreciated.
On top of all this I have ME, and very weak adrenals, but these are being supported with hydrocortisone 15-20mg/day, fludrocortisone and Dr Wilson's adrenal rebuilder supplements.