New mememer ...Advice on iron deficiency please - Thyroid UK

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New mememer ...Advice on iron deficiency please

Cheryl1986 profile image
24 Replies

I have very heavy periods. And recently had a full blood count and got told my iron ferritin was 10 u/gl (range 10-291 u/gl)

GP gave me ferrous fumurate 210mg iron tablets I had never heard of these tablets but they are a small brown tablet taken orally. I have been taking these for nearly 3 weeks, I don't know if it's related to the iron but for the last few weeks I have been feeling so tired and poorly, constant light headed , can't concentrate and just feel like I'm drunk if that's makes sense that drunk feeling off balance and fuzzy thinking. Another test of my iron says with taking 3 weeks of iron tablets iron ferritin has gone up from 10 to 23 u/gl but I'm still feeling all these symptoms. Can you feel these kind of symptoms with 23 u/go ferritin? ...also Apparently my haemoglobin is in range Mine was 121 on the blood test (range 118-148) so the GP said I'm not anaemic though But I feel all these symptoms :( kind of being told it's sort of me imagining it but it feels so physical so just want advice all about this iron deficiency if anyone one can help me x

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Cheryl1986 profile image
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24 Replies
MichaelJH profile image

My first thoughts as you are on Thyroid UK is are you on thyroid medication and when was it last checked?

I had low iron levels and was anemic after major surgery earlier this year. Not keen to take iron tablets as friends have had issues with them I discussed the issue with one of my consultants. These days I have liver once a fortnight (too fatty to eat more frequently) and spinach 2 - 3 times per week. My levels have now returned to normal but go downwards if I don't follow this regime.

Cheryl1986 profile image
Cheryl1986 in reply to MichaelJH

My thyroid was checked during a regular full blood count I think, but I'm not 100 percent x

Saya85 profile image

Yes u can get all those symptoms from anaemia

And sometimes u can feel worse on tablets to begin with too

Be aware they cause constipation so some of your symptoms may be related to that too

Try eating with meals (and vitamin C to absorb the iron) and take natural laxatives or fibre foods to help with constipation

Good luck

Cheryl1986 profile image
Cheryl1986 in reply to Saya85

Oh really yes I have been a little bit constipated during the last 3 weeks taking the iron tablets, the most side effect I'm getting is darken stool but I read in the leaflet in the ferrous fumurate box that this is normal? I was hoping to feel better after 3 weeks of taking the iron because level was so low , it's gone up to 23 u/gl my ferritin so it's gone up in 3 weeks but I'm still feeling dizzy, tired and just generally fatigued x

Cheryl1986 profile image
Cheryl1986 in reply to Saya85

Doctor said I don't have anemia but iron is low, I didn't know you could have that without anaemia? I thought maybe all the symptoms I have could not be just because of ferritin (without anaemia) x

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Cheryl1986

Anaemia is the actual illness whereby people have an issue with smaller blood cells and iron deficiency

But anyone can be iron defiicnect without actually being full on anaemic

(Just as someone can suffer from high blood sugar's without being fully diabetic )

So your symptoms could be due to it

However do make sure you have had your thyroid checked

And also folate & vit b12 all work together to form new blood cells.

Make sure those are checked also as they can have similar symptoms to anaemia (Google to see if it fits you)

Also although your iron stores are rising it takes time to make new blood cells- months so the effect can take longer to really be apparent

Lastly check vit D levels and symptoms

At this time of year most of us are deficient and it can cause havoc

Cheryl1986 profile image
Cheryl1986 in reply to Saya85

I will do thanks a lot for the advice. I have heavy periods which last couple have been so heavy so I think it's due to that mostly, but I was just given iron tablets no explanation if my symptoms of dizziness constantly , very tired and just generally fatigued. I almost feel drunk if that's makes sense (but I didn't drink) x

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Cheryl1986

Yep all classic anaemia

You've lost a lot of blood so yes will take months to get back to normal but having good ferritin stores in future will help to replenish you quicker with heavy bleeding

Cheryl1986 profile image
Cheryl1986 in reply to Saya85

Ah I see that makes more sense really. My GP never really explained any of this x

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Cheryl1986

Lol not surprised

Apart from gaps in their knowledge with nutrition they usually do understand anaemia well but time pressures mean they won't explain or feel the need to really explain why to you.

For them it's simple-minded give ferrous fumarate and wave you goodbye

Of course women tend to get anaemia far more than men- and women's issues in general are downplayed as us exaggerating or being 'anxious' about symptoms.

You will have to discover your own journey to restoring your health

You should find plenty of info on here - but do also make sure you check what the test results actually we're for thyroid and anything else they checked.

You can pick up copies of your blood tests - from the GP- they are legally yours and you are entitled to view them

Good luck

McPammy profile image

Hi. I’ve had iron deficiency this year also,my reading was 15 range is 22-350. Along with B12 definitely also my reading was 132 range 232-750.

I had B12 loading and now on injection every 3 months. It’s now 820.

Although my iron has been very low all year I’ve recently found out I’ve only been guven iron tablets same as yours 3 weeks ago. I too have been walking like I’m drunk and lots of severe weakness especially in my legs. What I’ve found out about iron tablets is that you must take them a good few hours apart from your thyroid medication, have you been doing this. I take my iron tablets with my evening meal and NDT as I wake.

My level has only gone up to 21 from 15 in 3 weeks. Looks like this will take some months. I have been informed that your iron level needs to be at 70 to help your thyroid to work optimal. Also I take zinc and vit c tablets and drink a large glass of fresh orange juice each day.

I never knew until this year after 11 years with thyroid autoimmune disease how important our vitamins are. Vitamin D, iron, B12 and folate are really important building blocks for any thyroid sufferers. All levels needs to be high in the range not just creeping over the bottom of normal. I’ve learnt a lot on here this year from lovely members and administrators giving so much valuable help and information. Please get all your vitamin bloods checked by your GP. If they say it’s normal get the results and a printed copy. Make sure they’re at the top of the range 👍.

Take care


Cheryl1986 profile image
Cheryl1986 in reply to McPammy

I don't have a thyroid problem as I'm aware of? Would this of come up in a full blood count TSH? ... but yes the weakness and the drunk feeling! Is that from the iron deficiency then? X

McPammy profile image
McPammy in reply to Cheryl1986

I don’t know if my issue is low iron stores to be honest. My thyroid bloods have been all over the place this year too high or too low. I’m still trying to stabilise with the help of my private Endocrinologist. One day I can be fine then next 30 days I’m really struggling with my strength. It shows in my legs the most. Each time I try to do any housework or anything a little energetic I go all wobbly like I’m drunk. 👍I can collapse sometimes if it’s too bad.

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to McPammy

Sorry to jump in on your post but it's very encouraging you have managed to get on top of things

My journey sounds extremeley similar to yours.

Just to add - yes all supplements need to be taken at least 4 hours away from thyroid meds

Iron should be taken with vitamin C ( are you taking the orange juice with the tablets ?

Avoid any calcium containing foods when taking iron tablets- at least 2 hours apart as calcium reduces absorption of most supplements

Also avoid tea with iron tablets and reduce your tea intake generally as the component 'tannin' in tea inhibits iron absorption too

Lastly seaside Susie our resident vitamin expert on the forum suggests iron in particular needs to be 2 hours away from any other vitamins as it also prevents them from absorbing well. I've not managed to find any other evidence on this but wouldn't hurt to follow it.

Remmeebr the iron tablets can give you constipation so do keep an eye on that as it can exacerbate some symptoms

I took iron sachets for over 2/3 months and it raised my ferritin from 23 to 90

( As well as correcting b12 and vit D and folate )

I feel a hundred times better

Good luck to you both

McPammy profile image
McPammy in reply to Saya85

Thank you. It’s always interesting to hear someone who’s had similar symptoms. I’m not quite on top of things yet. I’m better than I was a few months back when I was crawling about or laying flat most of the day due to lack of strength. Now if I try to do anything like housework or anything energetic my legs go all weak and wobbly. Today I just washed a few dishes and cleaned the bathroom now I’ve got to sit as can’t walk properly. So damn annoying 👍

Hi Cheryl

Can you get a copy of your blood tests, as far back as they will give you? Legally (at least in the UK) they are not allowed to refuse or to charge you for it (except for a nominal amount for paper and ink). Some surgeries will send you an email copy - easier to post on here.

Let us have a look at them and someone can advise you.

Your thyroid levels may be "Officially" OK, but that's because the reference ranges are skewed towards healthy people.

Also, menstrual problems and anaemia are some of the very common symptoms of hypothyroidism. The thyroid helps provide energy to every cell in the body, so there are a huge number of possible symptoms.

If you are hypothyroid, it also affects the levels of vitamins and minerals. which means your iron would be low anyway. I am post-menopause, and eat a reasonably good diet, but when I went to the doctor a couple of years ago because of feeling unusually tired, a blood test showed low ferritin (iron) and folate (one of the B vitamins) so had to take supplements. But it wasn't until this year that I finally got treatment for hypothyroidism, which was probably the cause.

One tip I learned here is that when you take iron tablets (usually ferrous fumarate) you need to avoid dairy products (milk, cheese, yoghurt etc) for a couple of hours (I think that's the length of time) each side of taking them, and take a vitamin C tablet with the iron. Calcium in the milk etc hinders the iron being absorbed, and Vitamin C helps it.

You need to take each ferrous fumarate tablet with at least 500mg of vitamin C so it is absorbed. You need a ferritin of at least 70 to use/make thyroid hormones correctly, so, yes you'll still expect to feel rotten with a ferritin of 23.

Cheryl1986 profile image
Cheryl1986 in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Thank you for your advice I will be drinking lots of orange juice! Just think I expected to be better with the tablets but they seem to take time and the symptoms may take awhile to ease it seems even though it's up from 10 to 23 it's still low x

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Cheryl1986

Take vitamin C capsules or tablets as there is too much sugar in the amount of orange juice you'd need to drink.

Cheryl1986 profile image
Cheryl1986 in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Yes I will do thank you. I take a vitamin b complex , will a vitamin c tablet be ok to take aswell , aswell as with the ferrous fumurate? I don't think any of them react to each other?

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Cheryl1986

Take B vitamins a couple of hours away from iron and C with iron

Cheryl1986 profile image
Cheryl1986 in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Yes so I can take the vitamin C tablet actually with the iron tablet at same time? But the vitamin b complex 2 hours apart from the others? x

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Cheryl1986

Sounds good.

wellingtonboot23 profile image

Dear Cheryl, have only just joined and wonder if you are still suffering or someone has listened to you! From my own experience,take no notice of the haemaglobin level ,which is what the haematologists go by and in their test at clinic. I am 6 months into Ibruitinib for CLL have all the symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia ( on previous occasions have eventually proved my levels are too low for me) and my Hb is on the lower end of normal have had ,in previous skirmishes with CLL , blood transfusions, and an iron infusion, the iron infusion only lasted for about a month in a period of 18 months where I knew my CLL was coming back. Unfortunately it has taken a long time to get them to help. For instance I was told in the clinic in January that my various aches and pains weren't anything to do with Ibruitinib but waking up with gout/ arthritic pain of my big toe I referred to this site and it seems to be very common! I am unable to take oral iron unfortunately so not as many choices. You are you and the old adage , the patient is always right as they know their body! Keep drinking the Guinness as its more fun than spinach!

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