I have been reading the very helpful posts on this forum and while they have been helpful I am somewhat confused as to what would be right for me and the correct way to go about tackling these antibodies.
My research has led me to believe I should cut out Gluten; then Dairy, Soy etc. (Paleo approach). I should also take supplements like Selenium; Magnesium etc.
I have found Dr Izabella Wentz's The Thyroid Secret very informative. However it is written for the American market.
I would like to work out a specific step by step process so I can monitor progress or not, as all the suggestions made are overwhelming.
I am currently on 125 mg Levothyroxine having been diagnosed two years ago with an under active Thyroid. The doses have been increasing every three months after blood tests. I have a very helpful and sympathetic GP but would question her knowledge of this disease, as I am not sure whether she tested my antibodies two years ago. My endo did not even go down the Thyroid route!
Following advice from this forum I used Medichecks for 11 Thyroid tests checks and they have shown that I have high numbers of Thyroid Antibodies. It is more than likely to be Hashimoto's. While I know there is no cure I have read there are ways of reducing these antibody numbers through Supplements and diet.
Diagnosis by Medichecks as follows;-
TSH 3.46 Range ( 0.27-4.2) mIU/L - advised Normal
FT4 23.5 Range (12-22) mIU/L - High
T4 140.9 Range (59 -154)nmol/L - Normal
FT3 3.86 Range (3.86) pmoL/L -normal
TGAB antibodies 4000.000 Range (0 - 115) IU/L - High
TPOAB antibodies 308.7 Range ( 0-34) IU/L - High
25 OH Vitamin D 14.3 Range (50-200) nmo/L - Low
Folate serum 13.28 Range (3.89 - 26.8)ug/L - Normal
Vitamin B12 239 Range (140 -724)pmol/L- Normal
Ferritin 55.94 Range (13-150)ugL - Normal
CRP 8.6 Range (0-5) mg/L - High
I have been advised by Medichecks to supplement my very low Vitamin D levels, with Fultium -D 3 3,200 IU which I think I have get through a prescription as I cannot find it on the net.
After 3 months I need to get it checked, then reduce to a maintenance dose of 400 IU and also then have my Levothyroxine increased by my GP.
I have read I should take Selenium as I believe it improves the immune system and can decrease the number of antibodies.
Magnesium and zinc also seems to be advised, along with Co Q10 and Omega 3's.
I had been prescribed 25 mg of Omeprazole for many years, a PPI which I have stopped as I believe it stops absorption of nutrients.
So I am walking into a minefield; What do I do first and what dosages should I take.
I am in my later years and am starting out on a new road and will hopefully take my GP with me as well.
Suggestions most welcome and thanks