Thyroid UK, the charity that runs this forum, is always in need of funds in order to keep doing what they do. One way that you can help to contribute is to use their affiliate link every time you buy something through Amazon.
Remember, using Thyroid UK’s affiliate link does not cost you anything at all. The only people to benefit if you do not use an affiliate link when buying through Amazon, is Amazon themselves because they get to keep the extra that could have gone to Thyroid UK.
There are several ways to do it:
1) Click the link below which will take you to the Amazon homepage.
Immediately save the link to your ‘favourites / bookmarks’.
Every time you want to browse or shop on Amazon, remember to go there directly from your favourites link.
2) Go to the Thyroid UK website and use the Amazon Search Box that is in the lefthand column of every page under the pink menu.
3) If you regularly sign in here to this forum, you can simply click the link from here when you want to go to Amazon.
4) Use the Amazon search box on this page of the man TUK website