Average Blood sugar level
HbA1c= 6.3 %
Average blood glucose level= 134 mg/dl
Anemia Profile
Vit. D = 32.86 ng/ml (SUFFICIENCY : 30-100 ng/ml)
Vit. B12 = 981 pg/ml (Normal : 211 - 911 pg/ml)
Iron = 107.7 ug/dl (Female : 60 - 180 )
ferritin = 117.6 ng/ml (Women: 10-291 ng/ml )
folic acid =>24 ng/ml (> 5.38 ng/ml )
Lipid Profile
TOTAL CHOLESTEROL = 183 mg/dl (125 - 200 )
HDL CHOLESTEROL = 45 mg/dl (35-80)
LDL CHOLESTEROL = 119 mg/dl (85 - 130 )
TC/ HDL CHOLESTEROL RATIO= 4.1 (3.0 - 5.0 )
LDL / HDL RATIO = 2.6 (1.5 - 3.5)
VLDL CHOLESTEROL = 33 mg/dl (5 - 40 )
NON-HDL CHOLESTEROL= 138.1 mg/dl (< 160 )
Advanced Thyroid Profile
TOTAL TRIIODOTHYRONINE (T3) =102 ng/dl (60 - 200 )
TOTAL THYROXINE (T4) =12.2 µg/dl (4.5 - 12.0 )
THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE (TSH) = 0.34 µIU/ml (0.30 - 5.5)
FREE TRIIODOTHYRONINE (FT3) = 2.9 pg/ml (1.7 - 4.2)
FREE THYROXINE (FT4) = 1.44 ng/dl (0.70 - 1.80)
ANTI MICROSOMAL ANTIBODY (AMA) = 447 IU/mL (Negative : <34 )
I have been taking supplements of Iron, Vit. D, Vit. B12, selenium, folic acid and silymarin...except iron supplement, all are still continued. I had heard that Iron overload causes constipation, and I felt that for few days,so discontinued a week ago before blood tests. Started taking Vit. C also for better absorption of Iron just for temporary.
Now, it seems except Vit. D, all have reached to it's optimal levels and will take only maintenance dose of Iron now. Vit. B12 sublingually has to be continued still since Metformin I take reduces absorption of Vit. B12, so nonetheless I have to supplement with it regularly to avoid any neurological problems in future.
My TSH had gone high in last May and I have increased dose from 100 mcg of thyroxine to 125 mcg daily and now TSH is under control along with optimal Free T3 and Free T4. But my antibodies levels are still high after 2 months of selenium supplementation, so will continue taking it.
My triglycerides are higher than my last year report (which was 110), so wish to know from all of you, how to reduce triglycerides....alarming it seems.
Request all experts to analyze my blood tests results and comments, if any