Just got back these results for my Wife , reason for test Headaches and light headed ness for over 8 weeks.
Dose on 100mg of thyroxine
Just before test started to take B12 1000mg a day up from 500mg a Day.
Please feel free to comment
Thyroid Function
THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE 3.15 mIU/L ( 0.270 - 4.200 )
FREE THYROXINE 15.13 pmol/L ( 12.000 - 22.000 )
TOTAL THYROXINE(T4) 88.0 nmol/L ( 59.000 - 154.000)
FREE T3 3.45 pmol/L ( 3.100 - 6.800 )
REVERSE T3 22 ng/dL ( 10.000 - 24.000 )
REVERSE T3 RATIO *10.21 ( 15.010 - 75.000 )
Thyroid Antibodies
THYROGLOBULIN ANTIBODY *234.500 IU/mL ( 0.000 - 115.000 )
THYROID PEROXIDASE ANTIBODIES *496.9 IU/mL ( 0.000 - 34.000)
VITAMIN B12 *801.3 pg/ml ( 191.000 - 663.000 )
FOLATE (SERUM) *19.18 ug/L ( 4.600 - 18.700)
25 OH VITAMIN D 64.63 nmol/L ( 50.000 - 200.000 )
Interpretation of results:
Deficient <25
Insufficient 25 - 49
Normal Range 50 - 200
Consider reducing dose >200
Inflammation Marker
CRP - HIGH SENSITIVITY 0.4 mg/L ( 0.000 - 5.000 )
Iron Status
FERRITIN 78.92 ug/L ( 13.000 - 150.000)
Comments From Medichecks
Thyroid Check UltraVit rT3
05 Oct 2016
We note that you are taking this test to diagnose a condition. Your history of hypothyroidism and use of levothyroxine is noted.
Your TSH and thyroxine levels are normal indicating an adequate dose of thyroxine.
Your FT3/rT3 ratio is low which could suggest that you are not getting sufficient free triiodothyronine (FT3) into your cells. There is currently little scientific research into the FT3/rT3 ratio, but some experts believe that this could lead to symptoms of hypothyroidism (slow metabolism) even though your thyroid hormones are at normal levels.
You may wish to discuss these results with your GP although you should note that it may be difficult to get advice and treatment for elevated rT3 or an abnormal ratio through conventional channels.
Your thyroid peroxidase antibodies are elevated. This antibody is commonly associated with autoimmune thyroid disease. It is frequently seen in conditions such as Hashimoto’s disease (where the thyroid becomes underactive) but confusingly can also be seen in Grave’s disease (where the thyroid becomes overactive).
Your thyroglobulin antibodies are positive. This can be associated with autoimmune thyroid disease and in particular Hashimoto’s disease.
If the autoantibody findings are new then they should be discussed with the doctor overseeing your thyroid treatment.
You have elevated levels of B12 and folate. If you are taking vitamin B12 or folate supplements then you may want to reduce your intake slightly.
Your vitamin D and ferritin levels are normal.
Your CRP is normal indicating low levels of inflammation within the body.
Now we have the blood test hope to see someone at a Spire hospital in Leeds ( West Yorkshire ) but first need a referal from my wifes GP even when we will be paying.
Anyone recommend a good private doctor leeds / Wakefield Yorkshire Area that does not need or does need a referal from your GP .Seems to take weeks to see her GP for anything and the referal might take a while. My wife is due back to work
this week so any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you