Here are my results after beging my doc to check free t3 and not only tsh and t4
Free t4 0.935 (0.90-1.80)
Third Generation Tsh 1.99 (0.400-4.00)
Free t3 3.34 (1.80-4.20)
Anti -Tpo <10 (10-35)
DHEA 134 (80-560)
Cortisol 16.3 (5-25)
Thyroglobulin 15.3 (0.20-55)
I feel "off" i gain weight despite being in a caloric deficit, i have stomach pain and indigestion and Zero appetite. I constantly have a moon face and a bloated stomach despite doing 1 hour of fasted cardio + weight training daily.
I'm getting annoyed with all my endos and I'm tempted to jump on cytomel and just live my life. This is getting annoying i checked my ferritin it was 33 wich is in the normal range but for an 18 y/o who bidybuilds and eats a balanced diet that's simply low. I'm passed even more since im losing hair and have dry skin wich is irreversible and i can't just seld medicate for the rest of my life. I've seen a couple of doctors and they all say the same.