Experiences with
Eucalyptus oil2,387 public posts
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Healthy Skin From The Inside-Out
There’s an old saying that it’s what’s on the inside that counts, and that’s very true in relation to your health, including that of your skin. For most people, their skincare routine is all about what cleaners, toners and moisturizers they use. But, that’s only a very small part. Your diet is not only
Some itching suggestions from members
Tepid showers - not hot
Dove or baby soap/unscented shower gels/soaps
exfoliating gloves using quick, easy strokes
Coconut oil in the shower – and afterwards
Meds – Sertraline, Benadryl, Hydroxyzine, Questran packets, rifampin, cholestriramine, cholesterol lowering drugs (fenifibrate & simvastatin