I had my ovaries removed in February 2020 via laparoscopy. I had had laparascopic diathermy and laser treatment for endometriosis in my 20s and 30s, but eventually taking the progesterone only pill meant I had no periods at all which was a massive result for me and I took them until I was 52.
Unfortunately, I was then diagnosed with breast cancer which was driven by oestrogen and progesterone, and had to stop taking them. No periods started, so I assumed i'd gone past menopause, but after my cancer lumpectory the consultant prescribed tamoxifen, which had the result of causing continuous period like pain. I switched to various alternative hormone suppressants, all which had side effects and in the end had the oophorectomy. All was fine for about a year, and then I started to get the period like pain again in March 2021.
I saw another gynacologist who offered a hysterectomy but also referred me to a pain consultant. I turned down the hysterectomy until I'd seen the pain consultant and she diagnosed Abdominal Cutaneous Nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES), whereby abdominal surgery (in my case about 5-6 surgeries in the same place) damages the nerves in the abdominal wall, causing burning and shooting pains. This feels much like endometriosis in fact, and I wondered if bits of the endometrium had stuck to the nerves all those years ago causing the pain then. But now the pain is constant, not just one week a month.
I've had 2x ultrasound guided nerve blocks, the first of which didn't work, and the second worked for 2 months. Then I had pulsed radiofrequency which had no effect at all. That was a year ago, and now the consultant wants to "treat the abdominal pelvic pain by approaching the hypogastric plexus", but won't do the procedure without a face to face appointment first to get my informed consent. Needless to say, the hospital has me on a waiting list but can't tell me where I am on it and whether I'm likely to to get the appointment to talk about the treatment in the current year or even the next 5. My complaint about this is into it's 5th month and I've contacted my MP now. I'd go private, but this seems such a rare condition that I don't think there are too many consultants who could do this in the UK.
I've tried 7 weeks of accupuncture, 2x 2 month rounds of homeopathy, 10 weeks of capsaicin cream, TENS, heat packs, cool packs, and now am taking paracetamol, ibruprofen and gabapentin. None of these seem to work that well. I'm somewhat concerned that even if I get to see the consultant and get the treatment, that won't work either. My questions are:
Has anyone had ACNES and had this 'approaching the hypogastric' treatment? Which is apparently via the spine so sounds pretty high risk. Did it work?
Has anyone tried anything else that has worked for ACNES?