Hi there
I’m new to this forum but been with HU many years on the running forum.
I’m 4 years into menopause and I am struggling so much right now and wondered if anyone could offer some help or questions for me to ask in my upcoming appointment on Tuesday, I’ve been trying to cope on my own but I think I would benefit from some being heads put together as the Drs are baffled. (Sorry if it’s a long post, I will try to be very concise)
2 years started HRT. 2 squirts Oestrodial1x 100 mg progesterone
(Made me feel back to my old self.)
January and March incident of very light spotting, nothing to write home about, but my Dr put me in for a two week referral for menopausal bleeding.
6 April initial appointment
2 fibroids, 1 ovarian cyst and minera coil needs to be removed as has been in 7 years. Can’t remove it as too painful.
Two weeks later a hysteroscopy appointment. Slightly thicker lining, biopsy taken and coil removed that was embedded in fibroid.
Three days later started bleeding heavier ( like a period)
7 days after surgery still bleeding. Saw a&e dr in hysteroscopy department. General opinion coil was still working so an unbalance in progesterone, progesterone tablets doubled.
Biopsy clear and no infection.
Forward 6.5 weeks only 6 days without a bleed in this time, it’s now like a period bleed every day. My Dr talked to hospital gynaecologist on the phone recommended that I keep on with the extra progesterone as it can take three months to settle in.
6 days layer after talk to Dr’s set out for a walk, terrible bleeding like a haemorrhage , through tampon, pad and my jeans flooded for over 30 Mins, went to a&e, saw on call gynaecologist, they think removing the coil caused a structural problem. Put in for an urgent scan the next day, gave me tranexamic acid
Bleeding stopped over night
The next day had the scan, Completely clear no abnormalities at all, told to take tranexamic acid for 10 days. Take it easy for a couple of days.
Two days later start bleeding again, talked to Dr, she put me in for another 2 week referral which is on Tuesday. Still bleeding daily but it is definitely worse when I walk. I’m used to lots of exercise and I can’t even walk without promoting a stronger bleed.
I’m terrified they won’t see what’s happening and sign me off again. My bloods at the moment are good ie, iron, ferritin haemoglobin. Two drs have just casually mentioned a hysterectomy as a solution.
I’m at my wits end and wondered if anyone has any advice on what questions to ask if they don’t see what’s happening.
Many thanks in advance
Rfc x