Hi all, I’m 40 and I have always had very regular periods (28 day cycle). Over the past 6 months or so I’ve been experiencing hot flushes at night and my periods have been getting shorter (down from 7-8 days to 5-6 days) for around a year now. I have always suffered from very bad period pain and heavy periods. This has previously been investigated but no issues were found. This month, my period was due to start on 4th November but as yet I’m still waiting! The problem is, I have had awful period pain for almost 2 weeks now to the point where I feel like I will go to the toilet and be flooded, but there’s nothing. I also have a ‘pressure’ type feeling down below. I have been to the docs this week and she basically just ran through a checklist of questions and referred me for blood tests but I’m really worried about this pain. Is this a normal peri menopause symptom? I just feel all over the place! Thanks.
Peri-menopause? Period pain and no pe... - Menopause and Per...
Peri-menopause? Period pain and no period.

Hi there I'm in groups where ladies have said they have this happening, period pains but no period, So I'd say yes it can be a part of it. But it's good that you went to the doctors too. Sending you a big hug, hope you get answers and piece of mind ❤️
I’m not aware of this as a symptom, but hopefully someone else can say if they’ve experienced it. could you ask the GP for an ultra sound scan to put your mind at ease?
Thank you for your reply. The GP did say that if the blood tests are inconclusive, she would refer me for an ultrasound. I just felt like she was going through the motions though with her list of questions at the appointment and there was no real sympathy for the pain I’m in!
I’m 44, and been in peri menopause for a while not realising, I was suffering night sweats and thought it was my bed sheets, periods getting closer together and also experiencing major period pains and bloating thinking my period was coming and it didn’t. I suffered loads of other symptoms too, but they were gradual, until the brain fog, anxiety hit me like a truck.
Blood tests are a waste of when in Peri menopause, if your GP is going to base your bloods results on giving you HRT then you may not get anywhere.
Luckily for me I had a very sympathetic nurse at my surgery and although they took bloods, said “after speaking with you, and telling me all your symptoms, I’m going to start you on HRT”.
I had a back up plan with an appointment with a private menopause which I kept, and still use them too, as I’m taking testosterone too and it’s handy to have guidance (at a cost)
Before starting HRT and my nurse phone call, I watched the TV programme This Morning, Louise Newson whom founded Newson health stated that doing bloods when peri menopause is a waste of time, and many women are still suffering being denied HRT, due to GP going by bloods.
This is in mind I was armed to have a battle to get HRT, and had a list of symptoms to tell the nurse.
Best wishes
Hi Littlechicken81, I don't have this specific symptom as I've had a mirena for a few years now. I can empathise with feeling all over the place though. I can feel fine for a few weeks, and then pretty lousy again despite using HRT.
Regarding period pains, I used to get them pretty bad and found that along with pain killers, buscopan gave me some relief without side effects like drowsiness.
I hope it passes soon 💐