Hi, I’m 52 and caught covid Xmas 2020 and still suffering with symptoms but they can also be linked with the menopause. Brain fog joint pain tinnitus etc. I have a consultation with my gp via a phone call in a few weeks. Any tips on what I should be asking in the way of treatment.
Menopause and Long Covid: Hi, I’m 5... - Menopause and Per...
Menopause and Long Covid

Ask for Hrt if you want it, Estrogen, via gel, patches, spray and if you still have a womb you will need progesterone soft gel tablets or the coil, ask if there is anything you can take along side like suplements for the joint pain.
Have a good read up on risks and benefits of HRT before your appointment (because your GP, quite rightly should want you to make an informed decision) and have a look at the different methods of taking oestrogen that are available (if your coil is a mirena, then you're covered for progesterone). The balance website has some great factsheets that go into some detail on the different preparations. balance-menopause.com/menop...
HRT is a bit suck-it-and-see, but if you have an idea of what you'd like to try first, you'll be much happier taking it.
My GP also ran some blood tests, but this is to rule out other causes of dizziness, fatigue etc. rather than to diagnose menopause.
Good luck 🤞🏼
Thank you, really helpful x
Hi Molly,
I'm 54 and have had all the symptoms you describe for many years. I started HRT a month ago and it's really helped me. I have Covid right now and am a bit miserable! As the others say, have a good read before making the decision to start HRT. Newson is a good place to start: newsonhealth.co.uk They have a lot of information on their site.
Thank you Kym The gp is finally calling me tomorrow for a consultation, I am keen to try hrt and the booklet I found on the site you sent was really helpful. I’m hoping the gel or patch is the way forward for me. Also I will need to look at the gut health, I know it can help both too. Thanks again x
Hi Molly108 , I started HRT about 3 weeks ago (patch and progesterone pill before bed) and for the first time in forever am starting to feel a bit more normal. No more night sweats, actually sleeping properly, seem to be able to make decisions again, and feeling much more positive in general. I did have achey legs for a bit, and the progesterone zonked me out for a few days, but overall, it’s helping loads. Your gp ought to have a list they will go through to ask you what your symptoms are. Good luck!
Thanks, and good to hear it’s working for you too. Every woman goes through this yet I knew little and it’s never been mentioned at any of my recent visits, and due to my high bp being the main issue last few months that’s taken priority and haven’t had time to talk about anything else! The gp time is so precious and short!
I too suffered throughout 2020 with what I was told was post viral syndrome (given I was ill before covid testing). My symptoms (same as yours) continued through 2021 and by chance I found out that symptoms were also that of perimenopause. I started hrt last august. I can’t put into words just how much I have improved and feel like myself again for the first time in a few years now. Oestrogel, utrogestan (though you won’t need that with a coil) and testosterone. I started testosterone in March. That was the game changer. My stamina is back, my energy levels back. No more tinnitus. Brain function is back. I could sing from the roof tops!! Really hope you find the same.
Thank you, the gp I spoke to wasn’t interested in the links between covid and menopause and more concerned that my coil needs changing. Sigh wasn’t the consultation chat I was expecting so no time to talk about everything. Feel so deflated. So no oestrogen for me just yet!!