For several weeks now I have been having trouble falling asleep, after months of being ok and getting about 5 or 6 hrs.
i have bought some one a night Nytol tablets over the counter £5 for 16 pills.
They did nothing. The packet states clinically proven to help you sleep and wake refreshed.
They lied.
I tried to get an appt with my GP to give me some sleeping pills, to try and break the cycle, (and I won't take them regularly) but could not get to see him. Really weird system of appointments at my surgery. Was told he was not there on Wednesday but I've been seeing him on Wednesdays every time I go.
I usually put on a sleep meditation CD at night after i have read my book a while, but something has gone wrong with the CD and it won't play right, even tried bruning two more copies on my pc neither will play on my player, so I am buying a new one in the hope that will do the trick.
Does anyone know if there is a natural sleeping draft that really does get you off properly?
I'm getting desperate now.
Thanks for any help.Hugs from Plumcake x