I'm soon to have my FET and have confused myself over what can help implantation- would love to hear what has helped other ladies on here get their BFP?
I watched a YouTube video and a lady who got her BFP listed a whole range of things she did including stopping herself sleeping on her front as that's supposed to be bad- I've since tried and there's no stopping me rolling onto my front in my sleep- I can't seem to sleep any other way! I have trouble sleeping as it is so not sure whether to persevere. My fella sleeps so soundly there's no way he's going to watch me and turn me over lol!
Here's what I'm taking at the mo, aside from my thyroxine and Buserelin and oestrogen - vitamin d, b complex, selenium, zinc, folate, omega 3, magnesium, also a probiotic that helps my digestion (optibac saccharomides boulardi). I stopped taking vitamin c as read that it can be bad for over-vigilant immune systems like mine (not had cytokine test but have every food intolerance under the sun) but I drink orange and eat lots of greens. I'm going to try pineapple core and pomegranate juice this time.
I decided against the scratch in the end as feel like I mainly need to work on my mindset and chilling out and minimise trauma - am enjoying my hypnosis CD which is so soothing. I am going to try the embryo glue which the clinic suggested this time.
Whichever way I will report back and let you know how it goes.
Love and baby dust to all xx