Hi everyone, thank you so much for all your support on my post earlier this week. It helped so much. Today is my OTD and the clinic didn't ring me until 4pm to check the outcome of my pregnancy test (way to make me feel supported, clinic!). Anyway, the nurse asked if I wanted a follow-up consultation and I said yes for a bit of closure.
But there's something that's been bothering me about the whole experience, and that is the clinic's refusal to acknowledge that the treatment was unsuccessful. For example, when I spoke to the embryologist he was adamant that I had an "acceptable" outcome because I got one (poorly-graded) blast to transfer. Then today my conversation with the nurse (who I've known for nearly a year and confirmed my miscarriage in Dec) went a little like this:
Me: "it was the same outcome as in February. Lots of eggs, good fertilisation, but then it all went wrong at the end..."
Nurse: "Well, I wouldn't say it 'went wrong'..."
For the record, I'm not blaming the clinic at all for what's happened. But no one will ever say to me "I'm sorry it all went wrong". And when they refuse to acknowledge that the treatment failed, it seems to imply that it's me who failed.
So I guess what I'm trying to ask (in a very convoluted way) is does anyone have any tips for my WTF meeting with the consultant? I think at this point I just want some answers on why he thinks it didn't work, why I always bleed 6-8dpt, and just to affirm I'm doing the right thing by stopping treatment.
Any/all advice welcome!