Have you had a bowel resection or were you at risk of one?? Please read. ♥️ 💛
So, nearly 26 years of extreme period pain, bleeding heavily, anaemia and impact on life.. was finally heard in 2017 when my endometrioma showed up and caused enough pain (so we knee stage 4 endometriosis). Prior to this the pain I was truly in was masked with the contraceptive pill! I cannot believe how the pain I was in was so bad but somehow the severity of that pain was dulled and caused this disease to spread like Japanese knotwood.
In 2017, my GP pushed twice for US and finally the hospital obliged and my journey began.
I had a lap in 2019, it was supposed to be curative but the surgeon was not trained or skilled and did no prior investigation, thus didn’t see the severity. In fact he looked at a scan prior to me going down and said “your ovaries and tubes look clear” 33 mins later he closed me up and I was told it was so bad I need to be referred for an urgent MRI and a specialist.. that was Nov 19.
Albeit, covid happened but because this surgeon did not do further investigation in 2017 when I explained my symptoms, he seen my bleeding first hand and the endometrioma, extremely high CA125, risk of cancer from my maternal side and my results indicative of PCOS too..and because when you are promised you won’t go to the back of the queue, you do go to the back… my Endo grew.. what was severe became more severe.. it ate into my bowel in Jan 2020 5mm and by May 2021 10mm while on drugs to induce menopause.
I now need a Bowel Resection with a hysterectomy, and via Laparotomy not Laprascopic.
Too top off an already horrible experience, I was posted the stoma kit to practise with, no conversation with a nurse, no emotional support, no compassion. Just walloped one more time.
Then on my birthday I get a pre-assessment letter ‘fill in and return within one week, failure will result in you being removed from the waitlist’
I haven’t even had the sigmoidoscopy yet (I’ve had CTC and Colonoscopy already previously).
So, if anyone has been through similar, I really would appreciate your story, you advise, your tips, support and kindness.. I don’t even know which questions to ask.