I'm new to the site but have been under a local gynaecologist for the past 2 years. I was diagnosed with endometriosis after a laparoscopy and given 3 months to conceive without success. I then had a laparospic op to burn as much away as possible and had the mirena coil fitted. I was told that my bowel, bladder, kidneys, rectum and general pelvic area were very affected. I'm 9 months on and whilst the vaginal blood flow has eased I'm suffering with daily pelvic pain and every 23 have a 'bowel period ' for those days I can't eat properly, the cramps are unbearable and the blood loss / frequent visits to the loo drain me. Another number of visits to specialists means I'll finally be having a hysterectomy and part of my bowel removed. Part of me is relieved and part of me is petrified. I'm 34 and whilst would have loved kids know that this wasn't my path and an other option was for me and my husband. My mum keeps reminding me that I have suffered from the age of 14 after starting my cycles at 10. Many a time I passed out from the pain and at the age of 15 was referred then but was told to take pill and all would sort itself out when I had a baby! Oh! 20 years on I think if it had only been that simple. I really hope this is a new start for me and my quality of life really improves. I'm on here as I don't think people really understand how big this is for me. I'm sure someone on here does! Any advice for post operation support?
Hysterectomy and bowel resection - Endometriosis UK
Hysterectomy and bowel resection

My best advice is to take it one day at a time and if that isn't working than one hour at a time and NEVER EVER be hard on yourself! It sounds like you have been through a lot so take things slowly and be easy on yourself. Best of wishes and speedy recovery to this new chapter in your life!
I was 32 when I finally had my uterus and remaining ovary removed. That was laparotomy number 5. Frankly when you have suffered as you and I both have you will be too relieved to be alive and free from pain. There is life after a total hysterectomy. Its a different life and once you recover from the surgery it will take a little while to get used to the fact that you are not dragging yourself around in agony. I went on to have a very successful career as a head teacher. Yes its a big thing to do but its for the best. Imagine how different you will feel once you have recovered and can enjoy life pain free!
It sounds like you have been through quite a lot. Before making this irreversible, permanent decision about hysterectomy, I suggest that you watch the video "Female Anatomy: the Functions of the Female Organs at hersfoundation.org/anatomy.
Have you had an MRI of the pelvis in the past year?
I'm three weeks post op following a full hysterectomy and bowel surgery. My bowel surgery was on the small bowel so they were able to repair it without the need of a stoma bag. I have been resting, resting and resting. My body is still healing but each day I know I'm getting better and I know that once I'm 100% my quality of life is going to be much better. I was on the GnRH injections for 6 months before my surgery - the consultant gave it me so my body could have respite from the painful periods. In that 6 months I have NEVER felt so good. Not having to worry about periods, not being in pain etc it was awesome and this is what I'm looking forward to when I fully recover from the hysterectomy. Yes I will need to be on HRT until I'm at least 52 (I'm 35 now) I don't have any children but I have lots of nieces and nephews and I'm even thinking about how I can progress up the career ladder (this is something I hadn't really thought of before).
Yes the decision to have a hysterectomy is different for everyone but I think this is the best decision I could have made. To be able to live my life without thinking I can't do that next week as I'll be on my period is going to be great.
Remember to rest after the op - get family and friends to help around the home.
Good luck!
Hi im 6 wks post op but still in pain specially on my right side if i move to quick in bed the pain is horrendous....ive had a couple of infections as well so at the moment cant see to far ahead but im sure it will get better. Havent got alot of energy but everyone says one day at a time. Have you started hit sweats yet ?
I had a night sweat the day after I came out of the hospital. I awoke following a nightmare where I tried to sit bolt upright in bed (you can imagine the pain!) he bed was completely drenched in sweat. I had to get my partner up, strip the bed and get in the shower. I thought I hope this isn't going to happen every night. Luckily it hasn't! Other than that I have been pretty lucky in terms of hot flushes etc - so fingers crossed it doesn't go bad!
I have to wait until feb before seeing the consultant (it was supposed to be December but they wrote to me yesterday and told me it had been rearranged) about HRT, but he also told me that if I can't put up with the side effects then to see my GP about an interim HRT option.
Whilst on the GnRH injections I was fortunate not to have any major side effects so I'm hoping that this continues.
I had a night sweat the day after I came out of the hospital. I awoke following a nightmare where I tried to sit bolt upright in bed (you can imagine the pain!) he bed was completely drenched in sweat. I had to get my partner up, strip the bed and get in the shower. I thought I hope this isn't going to happen every night. Luckily it hasn't! Other than that I have been pretty lucky in terms of hot flushes etc - so fingers crossed it doesn't go bad!
I have to wait until feb before seeing the consultant (it was supposed to be December but they wrote to me yesterday and told me it had been rearranged) about HRT, but he also told me that if I can't put up with the side effects then to see my GP about an interim HRT option.
Whilst on the GnRH injections I was fortunate not to have any major side effects so I'm hoping that this continues.