Hi all. I am 46 years old, stage 4 deep infiltrating endo and possibly adenomyosis, had previously an excision surgery to remove chocolate cysts in my 20s. I am due for a hysterectomy, removal of one or both ovaries and a bowel shaving in a months time. I was told there are lots of adhesions between various organs, many are stuck together. It will be done by an experienced endo specialist gyno surgeon, however, no colorectal surgeon will be involved in the bowel surgery as it won't be a bowel resection, only a bowel shaving. My surgeon mentioned if a bowel resection is needed, i would have to back for another surgery as it need a colerectal surgeon. He can only know once they open me up on the day of surgery for a more precise surgical option. I am worried as a bulk of my symptoms are bowel related, however i also understand bowel shaving is the first line surgery, as bowel resection has more risks and complications.
Has anyone had either a bowel shaving or bowel resection or a combined hysterectomy and bowel shaving/resection? Did it help with bowel symptoms and pain (bloating, indigestion, constipation, ibs, pain with bowel movements, etc) or not much difference/worse? Any complications post surgery? I am worried if a bowel shaving is not sufficient and a resection is needed, but i would have to do another surgery. Thanks so much for sharing your experience with me.