Hi I'm hoping someone can shed a bit of light on my pain. I have endo in lots of places in POD on ligaments and my bowel.I also have a 5cm endometrioma.
I am down for surgery for hysterectomy as I have adenomyosis and endo extraction.
I've opted out of a bowel resection as the waiting list is longer for 2 surgeons and to be honest I'm scared of the chances of a stoma and the long recovery.
Anyway I'm now doubting my decision as I'm in a lot of pain but can't work out if it's bowel or endometrioma pain.
I get pain on bowel movement but also a lot of achey/stingy/ tugging pain around there too.
I'm worried I will still be in a lot of pain with my bowel and I should perhaps have opted in for the whole lot.
Can anyone help to describe the pain they get from bowel or endometrioma?
Has anyone had bowel resection or endometrioma removed?