Need advice from anyone who’s had a total hysterectomy. I’m 5 1/2 weeks post op all done laparoscopically for endo and had adhesions removed from my bowel etc.
I didn’t bleed post op until day 10 and ended up back in hospital for 2 days due to infection. I’ve continue to bleed most days and have to wear a thick panty liner rather than a pad. My specialist nurse said it would stop by week 6 and any pains could be related to my bowels. I keep thinking yes I’ve stopped then I’d get a fresh bright red very small bleed again.
I’ve done fairly well until last week when I suddenly got so exhausted again but that’s easing.
Past few days I’ve had a lot of soreness in my belly and groin and taking painkillers again. I’m sure it’s nothing and I read about sutures dissolving and small bleeds happening.
Am I normal? I’m sure I’m over thinking it! I think I’m just desperate to stop all the period stuff I’m just fed up and stupidly expecting a new me!