Your brain hallucinates your conscious re... - Cure Parkinson's

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Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality

Kia17 profile image
11 Replies

Right now, billions of neurons in your brain are working together to generate a conscious experience -- and not just any conscious experience, your experience of the world around you and of yourself within it. How does this happen? According to neuroscientist Anil Seth, we're all hallucinating all the time; when we agree about our hallucinations, we call it "reality."

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Kia17 profile image
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11 Replies
park_bear profile image

A virtual reality.

GymBag profile image

Ted Talk from Vancouver B.C.

"It's just that when we agree about our hallucinations, we call that reality."

Canada 's California,

more hallucination there, different reality. Hippies still live in communes on the Sunshine coast, their children wear suits in rebellion.

Gioc profile image

I'll tell the next person who tells me: "you have to accept reality." Yes I do! never they say me what is reality. 😂

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to Gioc

"Reality? Who's that?" :)

Pelley profile image

Early on I lost my sense of taste. I realized this after my diet changed to more spice and (hotter the better) chicken wings , tacos etc. The next sense to go was smell of course. Only they very extremes of taste would do anything for me. It was frustrating for me, but more so for the main (chef) of our household who has fantastic culinary skills and prides herself in her prowess. I have learned to taste by how much and how my tongue salivates and texture of the food. What I mean by texture I believe to be my brain remembering what it used to taste like for the most part and sort of "reproducing" it for me. Hallucinations used this way explains this!

The smell part of the deal although equally bothersome can also be quite bothersome (and also a blessing at times). I find what is times when I see something that produces a remembered smell, my brain helps reproduce it. It's almost real! Things like wet fields of dirt while driving in the country after a spring rain...... or bleach..... or........

I'd be interested if anyone else understands what I'm saying or am I just hallucinating writing this? hehehe

To deep for me! My husband has bad hallucinations and I can’t relate that to this!

MarionP profile image

Just because we have inputs to perception that we term hallucination does not mean that we can control them, nor does it substitute for all of reality. Try playing in traffic and see if the result is so malleable. Reality isn't "only a movie." (From the original marketing tagline for the 1970s movie "Last House On The Left.")

MarionP profile image

My brain tried hallucinating some Laphroaig 10-year but you know, it only worked in connection with a series of separate hallucinations wherein I hallucinated going to the store and using something I hallucinated as money and hallucinating obtaining a bottle in exchange and hallucinated opening the bottle and pouring a drink from it and then orally consuming the drink and it felt and tasted like the "real thing." Without all that associated hallucinating, the hallucination wasn't nearly the same experience as the suggested reality. Guess I need to evolve some more.

HekateMoon profile image
HekateMoon in reply to MarionP


GymBag profile image

I should not have made lite of hallucination . Kinda like laughing at constipation or trembling, not funny. The first big medical surgery I had included pain treatment with morphene which I am apparently allergic to. Ronald McDonald in a flying car dropped off some spiders, that came out of him,I was in a secret CIA hospital, the cleaning staff was the enemy , people I knew that had previously died came to see me and argued about the message they were supposed to give me because, they said I was dying .

NO reality is not a mass hallucination, if it was every event would be funny and very,very terrifying at the same time. Colorful parades of children and unicorns would march into meat grinders . My brain may have stopped trying to help but it has not turned against me. Sanity is the one thing we must hang on to.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to GymBag

No, what you experienced wasn't hallucination, just normal paranoia. Everybody has that.

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