Very low mood today.
Wonder when this will all subside!
Had to come back to bed the discomfort is just too much. Lower and upper right.
Mucus had subsided a bit but still hasn’t disappeared
Just seems bizarre and not common of colitis to just have constant one sided discomfort and just a bit of mucus. And to have been going on since February! The discomfort is more like a pulling/ sore sensation which doesn’t seem related to passing or eating. On a couple of occasions I’ve had griping stomach pain directly before passing which was eased straight after, which I remember to be a bit more typical.
I seem to go a few days almost discomfort and mucus free then go back again
Doing another calprotectin monday. Last one a month ago was 108 but the consultants said it’s a positive step as it’s come down from 950 and during the steroids I did one and it was only 4!
Why do I still feel so crappy and have the same symptoms?
I will get answers soon as I have my 3 yearly surveillance scope in a few weeks.
can a calprotectin of 108 suggest Im still mildly ongoing flaring after all this time and answer to the symptoms? My anxiety is through the roof thinking something else is to blame 😫. Been sent for all sorts of blood tests and blood in stool tests - all were fine except liver ALT which was 59. Normal is <40. Second test it had gone back down to 50 and the consultant said it’s very insignificant and nothing to worry about. Had a colonoscopy in 2014&2017. Both fine. One showed microscopic colitis in 2017 and 2014 I had a couple of polyps which were removed but I was told they were benign and not the kind that could even turn malignant. I’m 32 and had pancolitis since the age of 6 but this is only my second flare.
The consultant has said it isn’t impossible that it’s something sinister but that based on all the above it would just be extremely unlikely and doesn’t seem 1% concerned (a positive in my eyes I hope).
I think the worrying is making me worse and I even got sent for cognitive behavioural therapy which did help a bit but I don’t think anything will fully relieve me until the colonoscopy can confirm it is only colitis to blame.
On the grand scheme of things it’s just mild symptoms I guess most of the time and have been doing some reading that says remission Means “no symptoms or mild symptoms”. I’m just uSed to having zero symptoms at all so this is new to me
I pass 1-2 times a day. Normally semi formed broken clumps. I take salofalk 3G granules. Was on octasa highest dose but was passing them fully. Did a short course of beclamethasone in March for 4 weeks
I know we’re all different but is this typical of colitis? What would people in my
Position do? I’m pushing for the colonoscopy and they’ve assured me they’re prioritising it as quickly as possible but that it isn’t a 2 week referral based on my symptoms / tests etc
Thanks for any advice / sharing