Hello 👋 all
I’m in a bit of a pickle. To cut a very long story short, a year ago I began to have pains in my lower right hand side, my GP tried me on antibiotics which made no difference. I then discovered I was passing bloody mucus every time I went to the toilet, so I did a stool sample and bloods which both came back as normal. I lost about 2 stone as it eventually got so bad I couldn’t eat, and I ended up in A&E, had a clear CT scan, although they said they could see what looked like dark/old blood - they said given my history (I have Rheumatoid arthritis and my mum had Crohn’s) maybe it was IBD. As we were in the first lockdown I was sent away with Prednisone, which my GP continued to prescribe to alleviate my symptoms until I had further tests (and I was also referred to Gastroenterology). Six weeks later, I had a colonoscopy which didn’t show any Crohn’s lesions, and I’ve since seen the Consultant who told me to stop taking the steroids and wait and see what happened. Anyway, 4 weeks after stopping the steroids I’m back to passing bloody mucus, have lost even more weight as I am struggling to eat as I’m in constant pain - I’ve had a clear CalProtein test this week. I am wondering if it’s because I’m on Methotrexate for my RA it’s masking the inflammation markers for these tests?
The Consultant at Gastro won’t prescribe me anything as all my tests are negative so far, but I’m struggling to see how I can go on like this, at the moment I’m really only eating soup and mushy things like scrambled eggs?
I just wondered if anyone else has had clear tests but still have symptoms?
Thanks 🙏