For the past 8 months or so I have been having symptoms such as large amounts of mucus only movements, urgency and cycling between constipation and loose stools. I had a blood test and stool sample which came out normal and I thought I perhaps had ibs. in the last few months I began having much greater urgency and most bowel movements bloody/blood only. I had a gastroscopy and colonoscooy in late December and the consultant said there were something like 'non specific abnormalities' in the sigmoid colon and splenic flexure and what looks like colitis in the rectum. Biopsies were taken and I have a follow up with gastroenterologist in March but was not prescribed anything at the time. I am a bit confused as to why I was told confidently it looks like colitis during the scopy that I wasn't given anything. Is this normal procedure? Since the scopy I have been passing larger amounts of blood.