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British Liver Trust

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All posts for May 2018

Keeping it up

Hi folks, I've gone 4 days now without a drink, probably means nothing to most o...
Foxman555 profile image

Fatty liver

Hi everyone im new to this. I have fatty liver doc dnt seem t be concerned i can...
jojo23pink profile image

Iron in the liver

I was wondering if anyone knows anything about hemachromotosis? I finally saw a...
Lara86 profile image
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can hcc be caused from asphestis

my husband is being treated for HCC has 6 tumors was found by accident after he ...
snuff profile image

Liver fatty

Hi,is there difference between liver fatty and liver inflammation?
Nihad profile image


hi, has anyone had prednisolone, steroid, for cirrhosis. I have read on some sit...

Can anyone help with CAP score?

Hi guys, Just wanted to ask if anyone knows what CAP score 247 Db/m really means...

Is Back pain part of this dreadful disease of Cirrohis?

I noticed that most people before being diagnosed with liver or spleen problems ...
Hidden profile image

Fatty liver test name

Hello,I have an itching due to fatty liver,does anybody knows which test I mean ...
Nihad profile image

Prednisolone withdrawal

I was transplanted at the end of January and have had a few of my drugs stopped....
smp071266 profile image

Black watery stools

Hello can anyone share thoughts (obviously not medical advice) partner diagnosed...
JulesCurtis profile image

ALT 96

Had blood tests done 3 weeks ago after feeling unwell for a couple weeks and all...
Dopeydick profile image

My ray of sunshine

Here’s my ray of sunshine when I’m having a bad day, thought it would make all y...

Blood results

Hi was just wandering if anyone can shine some light please my son has stage fa...

Night of Shooting Stars

So my dream last night consisted of me standing at the beach at night and seeing...
Chelle_ profile image


Hi folks a bad few days sleeping rough and drinking cheap cider but my daughter ...
Foxman555 profile image

Transaminaze high levels

Hi. I'm 36 years old, and just found out that I have to remove by surgery my gal...
Sarahh123 profile image

Could it be a false alarm?

Been getting FBC done and every month since Dec my lf has been abnormal. Been re...
LB0109 profile image

Pile medication required

I have pile problem is someone has Best solution
Ikram profile image

shunt surgery

which is the best hospital for spleno renal shunt surgery?? what is its cost ?? ...
killers profile image

Partener won't or can't stop drinking

Has cirrhosis aspires varies and now he for the third time in a year. Doc came t...
Dingbat7 profile image

PBC, hair loss and itching

Hi all, my consultant is currently investigating me for PBC after 3 years of hi...
kateadie profile image

Fibroscan confusion

Had a fibroscan and not sure how to interpret results. Can anyone tell me what t...
Bd22 profile image

Blood test

Hi all , just had another repeat blood test , apparently my LFTs are slowly impr...
Moysey83 profile image

Is this jaundice?

Does this look like jaundice? Had blood work done a month ago everything can bac...
Vinny1020 profile image

Decompensated cirrhosis with ascites and varices prognosis

Hi, my brother is an alcoholic and recently came to stay with us as he had been ...
SarahMar profile image

Non medical support

He there Has anyone had any positive experiences with massage, mindfulness, yoga...
Jackinthebox profile image

Feeling too well pre- transplant

I had my successful transplant last October for which I am extremely grateful fo...
Paulwil profile image

Better access to essential treatment

Hello I had hep C via a blood transfusion many years ago whilst serving in the a...

Support for all....

I joined this forum a few months ago when it became clear that ny Husband was in...
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